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How much is that old Patt. 43 Worth?


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Maybe Jim Laws is onto a good thing, take a look at these prices:




Can any one do better - bearing in mind they haven't had a beautiful paint finnish?


If any one does have an old Mole Richardson 1kw for not so stupid money then let me know - I foolishly let one go on ebay a while ago!




P.S. If any visitor here works for the BBC, please spare us a spate of programmes where some guy with a fake tan paints old patt 23's then flogs them for 120 quid!

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Good grief!


The theatre up the road from me has a fairly large room which is their "lantern graveyard" - full of all the old stuff that formed the original stock of the building when it first opened in the 1970's that's only a generation or two in front of the stuff on that antiques site - Patt60s, 23s, 123s, 49s, 263s, S-types, etc. I wonder if I should offer them a paltry sum to take the lot off their hands right now, stick it in the garden shed for 30 years, and then flog the lot of 'em as antiques? That'd be the pension sorted!!

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gareth, have they got any 764's?


Hate being in this position but I just lit a show wher I realy could have done with another couple at least.




(Or anyone else that has any...)

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gareth, have they got any 764's?

There are a few 774's kicking around, but they still get used occassionally, and haven't quite made it through the door of the graveyard yet.


Having said that, though, there is a rather large six-figure-sum lantern replacement project scheduled for the next month or so, so I might well be able to get hold of a couple of those for you (along with about 100 Sil30's, if you're interested!).

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Ladies & Gentleman,


Do NEVER throw these old lanterns away !!!

Depending on the brand/model/type/condition, one can assume prices ranging from 10 (real scrap) to 300 (...& up for the gems) euros.

And they're still very in demand, in particular the legendary Strand series.


At the grid we have 16 pattern23 and 6 pattern123, paid some 500 euros for the flock, and that's a bargain !!!

But at home, a pattern45 steals the show (E100).


Just as a reference, I've downloaded the whole Strandarchive website...

:) :P ;)

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Guest lightnix

Hmmm... might be worth going round a few villages halls, offering to PAT test their 1950s Strand kit, condemning it and then offering to take it off their hands for a few quid "to break for spares" :P


I lovingly refurb'd 2x Mole Richardson 5Ks and 2x 2Ks back in the 80s. I also had a whole pile of about 25 old 60s Strand 1K spots covered in dust and pigeon poo, which I'd picked up for £150 and which were next for the shot blaster. Unfortunately at that point the company I was working for went to the wall and I think they were swiped by an unpaid freelancer :)

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or fill them with concrete and I got a new doorstop!

You've obviously never used 743's. They are some of the nicest fresnels you can wish for, apart from their slight ungainliness - That 8" lens lets you get a lovely big beam out of them.

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Unmodified lanterns are most wanted. Any tampering will reduce their value considerably. Dust & other not/semi permanent coatings are surmountable.


"theres a load of furse floods and patt23s, 123s, 223s, under the stage at school. u think they're worth keeping/selling/cleaning?"


The starting bid is £20 pp. Are ye' shipping abroad?


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