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Masterpiece S.U.A.L.


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I bought a used Masterpiece 108 to play around with but the previous user has locked out some primary functions. The Grand Master, A & B crossfaders, Blackout & some others are all disabled. I have e-mailed the seller several times without success to get the code. Can anyone tell me if I can open it up & reset the code somehow? I did read somewhere that 12,6,7,1 code only operates with the memory card. I have e-mailed Pulsar but no reply as yet.


Thanks in advance.

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Yes. it is Version 3. I have a couple of Martin 518's to play with but I'm more interested at the mo in using the dimmers with fresnels & profiles etc. Really got it for helping out the school my daughter attends with their stage work. Their present desk only has slider intensity & no memories at all. This should fit the bill perfectly. It seems easy enough to programme for this function but I will play around & learn more about the desk. I really want to get my daughter learning about the control methods and attend a school production with her creating the lighting scenes.
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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 years later...
I bought a used Masterpiece 108 to play around with but the previous user has locked out some primary functions. The Grand Master, A & B crossfaders, Blackout & some others are all disabled. I have e-mailed the seller several times without success to get the code. Can anyone tell me if I can open it up & reset the code somehow? I did read somewhere that 12,6,7,1 code only operates with the memory card. I have e-mailed Pulsar but no reply as yet.


Thanks in advance.


Sory to dig this up from an old post, but any chance you could PM the 'other code' that unlocks the Masterpiece? I'm in exactly the same situation (MP108 that's been locked out ;) ) and the normal 'in the manual' code doesn't cut the virtual mustard.

Many thanks

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  • 2 weeks later...
I bought a used Masterpiece 108 to play around with but the previous user has locked out some primary functions. The Grand Master, A & B crossfaders, Blackout & some others are all disabled. I have e-mailed the seller several times without success to get the code. Can anyone tell me if I can open it up & reset the code somehow? I did read somewhere that 12,6,7,1 code only operates with the memory card. I have e-mailed Pulsar but no reply as yet.


Thanks in advance.


Sory to dig this up from an old post, but any chance you could PM the 'other code' that unlocks the Masterpiece? I'm in exactly the same situation (MP108 that's been locked out :D ) and the normal 'in the manual' code doesn't cut the virtual mustard.

Many thanks



off the top of my head try 2,3,11,10 or 3,4,10,9 ....hope this helps



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