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Drama School Interviews

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I've got an interview at Mountview next week (22/11) and have read what is already on the forum about interviews etc. but was wondering if anyone had any specific tips for Mountview or drama schools in general (obviously it is for their 2yr technical theatre course)





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Try to remember that you are interviewing them just as much as they are you. You need to make sure that you are going to be happy learning at the place for two years and that they offer everything (or most) of what you are looking for.


Also, relax and have fun. From my experience (I'm at RADA at the moment), the atmosphere is really relaxed when you're actually studying after you've been accepted so let the interviewer(s) see that you fit in to that.


Most importantly, be yourself.


Where else are you thinking of applying?




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Be keen, interested and interesting.


Think about the last few shows that you have seen or worked on and be able to talk about them as complete pieces of theatre rather than just what lanterns were used.


If you are given practical tasks to complete how you set about them is more important than what you do, this is particularly true if a group activity is included, make sure you come across as a team player not some one who either blindly follows or shouts others down.


Your attitude will be as important as your knowledge. You can be taught to rig or take blocking but whether you will be a good technician or DSM (or where ever your interest lies) is more dependant on character.


Let us know how the interview goes.

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although ideally I want to go to central for their theatre sound course.

There are a couple of BR-ers who've been or are still at Central....


As for the interview - basically I'd echo everything that's been said.

Would also re-state that you need to think about your appearance.

Whilst they'll not expect you to turn up in a tailored suit & tie, you don't want to appear to be the archetypal student-cliche. Wear smart-casual, hair tidy, act as confident as you can, and smile a lot (though not too inanely!! :D)


One thing to remember - don't take in any physical baggage if you can help it. If possible, leave any shoulder-bags, rucksacks, etc in an outer office (assuming there's someone safe to leave them with.


You need to go in unencumbered, except maybe for a small reporter's pad & pen - YOU need to take notes of anything relevant, cos pound to a pinch you'll forget half the details after you walk out the door!

So make sure you ask questions. Even go as far as making a list (in that small reporter's notebook) of the things you WANT to know, NEED to know and would LIKE to know.


Other than that, best of luck.



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I'm a first year at BOVTS at the moment (bristol old vic theatre school - having a blast!), first of all, good luck if you are applying!


The I was given a few tips by various people I was working with at the time (I was working as a casie before I came to drama school), the best ones were;


- don't get scared, they're theatre people just like you!

- don't come across like you know everything (even if you think you do!)

- make sure you know your CV back to front - this is what they have to go on when they ask you questions.

- don't make anything up on your CV - it will come back to bite you!

- don't just talk about theatre, try to bring somthing else to the pot as well, even if it's kinda made up!

- make sure you have a few questions for them during the interview (memorising them is a good one apparently!)

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- make sure you have a few questions for them during the interview (memorising them is a good one apparently!)


Do some homework on the place you are applying to.....


Instead of something like, "do you offer a placement year" it's really refreshing to hear someone ask "I've read that students at xxx can undertake Industrial Placement, can you give examples of where students have been placed? Who initiates those placements? Can existing industrial work be taken into account?" and so on....

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  • 3 weeks later...

On this note - can anyone shed any light on the Central interviewing process for me? I've got a portfolio nearly prepared for my interview (Production Lighting) there and it's all based around me explaining a lot of the stuff on the page. Am I going to be allowed to "present" my portfolio to interviewers or will they take it in at the start of the day and read it through themselves?


Cheers (And sorry for semi-thread hijack, this one seemed to have run it's course)

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I'm not too sure about what will happen, although there will be a few group exercises, and then interviews at the end of the day, I think that you will be able to talk about your portfolio in the interview, and they probably won't take it to read during during the day, I guess the main thing they are interested in is whether or not you want to go into theatre, and that you have no problem working hard - probably not whether you can program a strand 500 - they know they can teach you what you need to know.


Anyone else going to be there?

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Just finished my pictures, and almost done with the live production thing but I've just reread the letter and it asks fo a passport sized photo, ergggh!


Which day are you heading down on?


I need to get a photo done too - all of mine are back when I had much shorter hair :D

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im applying as well this year. . .

Life is about Experiences. . . no point in goint to watch a film if you know whats going to happen and when ect ect. . .

just go n enjoy give it 100% thats all you can do


P.S. last yeat CSSD you did a work shop with 4 images n left your work in the room for them to look at as you looked around the campus

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