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How this can be done?


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From that short, fast, confused video clip it's almost impossible to work out exactly what it is you want to re-create. Care to explain it a bit better?


Oh, and I suggest you find somewhere for hosting your video files that's a bit ..... well, a bit less sh*t is the best way I can think of to describe it! When I saw the hoops I had to jump through just to download a tiny little video clip I almost didn't bother.

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As you can see, there are moving heads placed at the back of the stage the white ones. They're flashing in an order.


I will found a place to host my files, I'm not happy to put it on a website like this but I have to cause I don't have one.

I have to put a little part of the clip, don't know howto make it smaller(about 36 MB). I just cut it

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I'm pritty sure the effect your after isnt done by writing a specific chase. Rather more likely using the random strobe function availabel on most moving heads.


The actual effect only works in the way your thinking of with a decent number of moving heads (applicable to any stage), i.e. 4 mac 250's arnt enough.

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Albeit a very short clip, and on a host site that's a little too keen to grab your money, it's still possible to see that the sequence is a little more complicated than just setting a load of fixtures to random strobe. However as mentioned above, effects like this look good largely because of the number a placement of the fixtures.


From what I can see from the brief clip is, one group of fixtures from overhead are constantly strobing, the rest of the fixtures from the overhead trusses and floor are strobing with a very fast repetitive shutter chase on top of that and finally the 'wall of fixtures' which are rigged vertically behind are doing a simple four step shutter chase. Combined together produces what I think is a simple but effective effect, particularly suitable for the type of music.


Doing a one fixture on, previous fixture off chase as you describe is only going to create a small part of the sequence in the video, and as said before will only work with a reasonable quantity of fixtures. I tend to find good shutter/strobe sequences come from the slightly older LD's amongst us who remember the days of just having PAR's & ACL's to make shows look exciting!

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I tend to find good shutter/strobe sequences come from the slightly older LD's amongst us who remember the days of just having PAR's & ACL's to make shows look exciting!




I think my favourite example of this is Robbie Williams @ Knebworth with Liz Berry as LD and board op. Bloody superb stuff going on with those VL's rigged on the back of the video screens at times.

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I think my favourite example of this is Robbie Williams @ Knebworth with Liz Berry as LD and board op. Bloody superb stuff going on with those VL's rigged on the back of the video screens at times.
Definitly agree with you on that one Dave! best bit for them I recon is just after the 1st or 2nd chorus of Rock DJ at the end, where the LD's sync'd up a line at a time (horizontally across the screens), a pan swing upwards, to the beat of the music!


Theres a few tricks on the new tour that look ok, the atomic's with the colour attachments and VL's lining the back sreens and the chase's he/she's got them doing look pretty good.


Appologies for the :huh: post :P




p.s. The few bars of the song in the video, sound ok, whats the name of the artist/song?

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backing off a lil...


Speaking of chases, it's funny when I watch old episodes of TOTP (between 91 and 96) when they used to use Golden scans with Pulsar Masterpieces because I always seem to know how they done each chase. The classic being that sharp O/W with tilt fade up then B/O on the tilt, snapping back down :huh:



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It's a shutter chase.


And it takes a fair bit of time to program - dynamic effects generally don't help much for these, so you have to manually create the steps.


The main thing to watch out for is how it loops - the point where you go back to the start (or reverse in a bounce) is the place that requires the most attention to prevent odd 'jumps' in the schase.

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I could b missing something here but isn't this a simple issue of how the chase is being programmed. I'd agree that every light doing random strobe would probably end up looking like that and is defintly an option, however I think the original poster is making a mistake only using 1 light at a time. If you've got 10 lights try randomly picking 3 on at the smae time and just watch the order so the lights in step one don't repeat in step 2.

Sorry if I'm just pointing out the obvious, but obviously for that to work the comments re: number of fixtures still stands.

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