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Dame Dresses


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Could anyone tell me were it is possible to hire very extavegant dame dresses from. I need two for our panto of Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs. I also would like some wigs for them aswell.


Any help would be much apreciated.


I am based in the Bromley, Kent are.





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What are the dates of your panto? If it is during normal panto season ... December to about mid January you may find it tricky.

A lot of the old school panto dames have their own costumes which they use for pantos - usually making a new one or two each year (or at least adapting old ones to a current topic).

As you are a college (and presumably not much money) may I suggest you get in touch with the professional panto company at your local theatre (Kent - would that be the Orchard Theatre? Not sure....) and maybe a nice letter to them might help.

Or look on the net for panto companies and see if they can help - off-hand the companies that come to mind are people like Qdos, Hiss & Boo, Pantoni, maybe Chaplins? The main problem I can see for you is that in Sept/Oct people won't want to commit to letting you have a costume if they think they may need it themselves... which still being 2+ months away from starting rehearsals they may not know yet what they do or don't need.

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A lot of the old school panto dames have their own costumes which they use for pantos - usually making a new one or two each year (or at least adapting old ones to a current topic).


This is the last bastion of actors travelling round with a set of basic useful clothing. A Dame I know has 2 or 3 new frocks made each year and now has a stock of specials that are specific to certain shows and basics that he can slot in to any production.


As you are a college (and presumably not much money) may I suggest you get in touch with the professional panto company at your local theatre


You really need your local Rep. theatre as they will almost certainly produce their own shows and have costumes in store from previous years. Unfortunately I can not think of a Rep. House in Kent, but this may well be because of my poor grasp of geography as opposed to there not being any.

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I have found wonders that can be created with kids duvet covers from charity shops if you have the time, the patience and the inclination!


If not I would give the nice folks at Carousel a ring. They have got me out of several sticky panto situations, always with a smile!


edit: added link, see... I'm useful me! ;)

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