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Furse Delta


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My question relates specifically to a FURSE Delta 12 channel dimmer.

I want to try and find a new control desk that will work with this as old one is pretty dodgy.

Connectors: it uses one of those 5-pin or 8-pin connectors that look like a standard 5-pin din socket.


Is there a desk that will output appropriate control signals or would this all have to be done via converters? Delta dimmer is old and creaky but will not be replaced so the only option is to try to interface it with a better control desk.

This is my first post here so don't all attack at once if this has been covered before..



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have you tried our old pal google to bring up related info on other Furse kit?

Not that familair with any of it, but all of the info that I have seen would imply the joy that is FMX as a control protocol. Which having read some of the other posts could be a real ' mare for you.

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All the furse stuff I've seen has been either analog on 9 pin D plugs or fmx on 5 pin din. So if you've got a din plug it's probably fmx which is not easy to convert to anything else. And yes it has been discussed, fairly recently.


Thanks for the replies - I can see that this has indeed been covered in various ways before - sorry, far more than I realised. Would I be right in assuming from what you have said and other threads on this that effectively I'm doomed to use this flickering control desk as nothing else affordable will work with FMX?

All three 2A 'control' fuses blew recently for no apparent reason leaving the desk dead. At least I'm only using this stuff to dim the lights pre-cinema screening not for 'proper' live use thank god!

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...I'm doomed to use this flickering control desk as nothing else affordable will work with FMX?

I think it's more that you're unlikely to find anything new that outputs FMX these days.


All three 2A 'control' fuses blew recently for no apparent reason leaving the desk dead.

It'll be worth spending a bit of time finding out why this happens. It's unusual for kit to need more current as it gets older unless something is wrong. Favourite would be something as simply as a wiring problem - maybe at the connector ends or electrolytic capacitors drying out as they get older.

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...I'm doomed to use this flickering control desk as nothing else affordable will work with FMX?

I think it's more that you're unlikely to find anything new that outputs FMX these days.


All three 2A 'control' fuses blew recently for no apparent reason leaving the desk dead.

It'll be worth spending a bit of time finding out why this happens. It's unusual for kit to need more current as it gets older unless something is wrong. Favourite would be something as simply as a wiring problem - maybe at the connector ends or electrolytic capacitors drying out as they get older.


Hi Brian,

The 2A control fuses blew when somebody else was using the system so anything could have been done as I was not there. I arrived on another day to find a dead control desk.

The wiring in the Bleecon plugs was heavily twisted and frayed so I thought that was a good candidate! I've since resoldered the 5-pin bleacon/dins and no more control fuses have blown - yet. It might be worth opening the control desk and checking for dry solder joints which could cause the flickering and erratic operation I suppose. There is a sticker underneath that says it was last service in 1985 or there-abouts!

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  • 2 months later...
My question relates specifically to a FURSE Delta 12 channel dimmer...

Just thought I'd add this - Having established that FMX is not used anymore, does anybody have an old Furse delta 12 Channel controller desk they would be willing to part with - for a reasonable sum?

Not sure if other Furse controllers will work?


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I've heard of a company called Crown Stage and Electrical (I think) on (01772) 496202 who told me that they had bought the service details when Furse went belly-up, who may be able to service your desk. It should at least be worth a phone call.

I hope you get some joy.

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