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Audience participation


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What I need is some ideas for audience participation for a panto I am about to do. The panto is Aladdin. Has anyone got any past ideas that worked well? Any ideas of their own we could try?


Just anything really, we are running out of time and struggling for ideas!



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What I need is some ideas for audience participation for a panto I am about to do.

Mike, hi.

And welcome to the Blue Room.


the problem here, is that whilst I'm sure some of the BR members could well have a few ideas, this isn't really the best forum to ask this question - we are primarily a backstage/technical group.


You'd be better off in a production type forum, really.



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Hi Mike,


The audience participation in panto seems to follow the usual gags.


The ghost gag - as in 4 people sit on a bench, ghost comes on, audience go mad.

You what?

A What?

It wasn't,

it was

it wasn't

it was

was it?

we'd better sing it again then,


repeat with somebody getting scared off till only one - you must know this one.


The obvious it's behind you gag


various versions of water squirting, or maybe the bucket of slosh that turns out to be empty


kids who come upand do things and the audience vote by cheering


and infinite variations of all this lot


what exactly do you want to happen?

It's normally in the script?

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:) This whole thread is borderline off topic since audience participation at a panto isn't really a technical matter. (Well, not usually...I once had a frequent sound effect that was the cue for an audience reaction.)


Anyway, please don't let this degenerate into a "Tea Break" style free-for-all or the topic will have to be closed.



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Well, to show there CAN be a vague technical aspect to audience participation, some more details on the sound effect thing I hinted at:


Basically, the script had a somewhat incompetent good fairy. Every time she was supposed to appear, I played a typical "magic" effect (harp arpeggio type thing) except it ended up with a sound like a winding-down gramaphone. When the audience yelled the appropriate magic word loud enough, the fairy appeared in a puff of pyro.


Another thing I've seen is singalongs, aided with video projection of the lyrics.



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