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Floor fixtures and mirrorballs in WYSIWYG


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I've got a lot of floor fixtures I'm using. I've been using Floaters to place things like Mac 2000s in which the positioning doesn't matter, however, I also have Technobeams and Blinders on the floor. My problem is that I can't seem to find a way to rotate the fixture to stand up instead of laying on the bracket. Anyone know how I can reposition these?


Also, how can I create a mirror ball in WYSIWYG? I have a sphere up, but I'm unsure hot to actually make it reflect the light as one, and I don't believe the library has a premade mirrorball. I could be wrong though


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A mate of mine, did make one, it involved making a sphere out of triangles, then giving each individual triangle a shiney surface, so that it reflected light off it. I don't belive you can do it with a normal sphere tool. took him about 2 days to make it.





-edit- durh spelling!!

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I've been using Floaters to place things like Mac 2000s in which the positioning doesn't matter, however, I also have Technobeams and Blinders on the floor. My problem is that I can't seem to find a way to rotate the fixture to stand up instead of laying on the bracket. Anyone know how I can reposition these?


The easiest way is not to use the Floaters but to use a pipe and have this running vertically. If you think about it a Technobeam would hit the floor when you tilted it back in "the real world"


And with regards to a Mirror ball, there is no mirror ball available in the Lib and you would have to create one yourself if you wanted it for rendering purposes. I normally just stick a sphere when drawing for loading and positioning purposes.

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A mate of mine, did make one, it involved making a sphere out of triangles, then giving each individual triangle a shiney surface, so that it reflected light off it. I don't belive you can do it with a normal sphere tool. took him about 2 days to make it.


I can't believe there isn't a mirror ball in wysiwyg!! I use the program quite a lot but never needed a mirror ball, tanko I reckon you should get your mate to patent his design and sell it to Cast to add to the library of the next release!

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The easiest way is not to use the Floaters but to use a pipe and have this running vertically. If you think about it a Technobeam would hit the floor when you tilted it back in "the real world"


And with regards to a Mirror ball, there is no mirror ball available in the Lib and you would have to create one yourself if you wanted it for rendering purposes. I normally just stick a sphere when drawing for loading and positioning purposes.

There is no way to set it vertical as I normally do on stage? That bites. How do I rotate them on pipes then? I origionally had them on pipe but I couldn't figure out how to A: Rotate the fixture so it faces toward the crowd because default is toward stage, and B: rotate the pipe so fixtures face a different direction than strait up. I'm pretty new to this program if you can't tell. :D


Yes, I've stuck to a sphere to represent the mirror ball. I don't think I will need it to reflect for presentation, as we all know what a mirror ball does. If they ask, I can make one the way Tanko was talking. :D


Thanks for the info, guys.

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You CAN rotate fixtures on a floorstand. What Lee was saying is an easier option, and is absolutly correct.

If you want to rotate the fixtures on a floorstand or anywahere for that matter, all you need to do is double click on the fixture so that it takes you to its properties, under the general tab you need to mess with the PAN TILT and SPIN values.


Mirrorballs can be made to reflect if you set the material values in the objects properties to mirror, however this will only be seen when rendered.


Hope this helps.




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One more question. Thanks for being patient with me. :blink:


I made a mistake on the size of the venue when I first created it. Is there a way to change it? I've tried a few things but nothing has worked.



Yes double click on the venue to get to its properties, Click on the tab at the top that says Black Box or Pros Arch which ever you have and there are your venue measurements. Change as much as you like.



Depending on how you build the shere and convert it depends on how the reflective parts will work.



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Which takes us back to building it out of several triangles, then you get the reflective properties of a mirrior ball, but as perviously stated if you want to just drop something in on a plot, so people get the idea that there is a ball type thing there, sphere works rather well I think, I am going to try and get a rendering of my boy, of his mirror ball so you can all see what it looked like!!




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Yes it is, but you'd need to turn smoothing off because spheres get modelled as spheres in everything except the vertex transformation.


I've no idea if WYSIWYG would let you do that to specific items when rendering.

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To be honnest I have no idea, I think he left the spehre rough around the edges with the triangles becasue se the renderings that I saw it actually looked like a mirror ball, with small shafts of light reflecting back in several different directions, unlike a normal sphere with 'mirror' properties that just reflects the light in a general beam of the same direction...if you catch my drift!




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