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I fear it will be a while before we see the likes of TOTP back. Generalised music channels and programmes just don't make it with the youth of today. Watching the viewing habits of my teenagers, they select one genre of music (often including differentiations that I can't hear!) and select a channel that gives them a non-stop barrage of that music.


When (usually forced by me) they've seen TOTP, they might like one act, but sit through the rest say "ewww...I can't stand this emo stuff/garage stuff/hip hop/insert genre here".


Similarly, where my formative years were spent listening to Top 40 radio, my kids hate radio and only listen to their own carefully chosen selections on their MP3 players.


Now I feel old.



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Perchance it is not dead, but sleepeth...


They couldn't keep Doctor Who down, and they won't be able to kill TOTP, either.


It'll be back... one day. You wait and see :)


If you make that comparison ... it will re-appear in about 2022 and be made in Wales :angry:


PS I bet Billie Piper is more famous now for her role on Doctor Who than she was on TOTP ;)

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they might like one act, but sit through the rest say "ewww...I can't stand this emo stuff/garage stuff/hip hop/insert genre here".


Similarly, where my formative years were spent listening to Top 40 radio, my kids hate radio and only listen to their own carefully chosen selections on their MP3 players.


Thats me well the 1st part is to a greater or lesser extent. But even I dont know the differance between emo and nu metal. Its something to do with the way they dress :)


Radio I generally listen to and in the evenings when not much is on I listen to morning radio in Australia.

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  • 9 months later...

Just reading through this post while searching for reel to reel information.


I can also fondly remember the good old days that as a 11 year old, recording from the TV , AVRO's Top Pop, while living in The Netherlands, with a old valve Grundig TK5 with the green magic eye.

The words quieet !! prior to starting the recording, and you really got brassed off when the phone rung, or the dog barked and disturbed the recording by microphone.

My sister used one of the first Philips portable transistor battery powered cassette recorders with the loud click push button.


I still got the tapes 2 track mono, haven't played them for a while yet.

At home I use my Akai GX 620 regularly. like to see the reels turn around while listening to the music.


As far as finding reel to reels, have a look on the internet auction sites as Exxy, not sure if I'm allowed to mention that name.


Kind regards



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Awww, anyone else enjoying watching the old TOTP clips tonight?


Love the range of old mics they're using, not to mention all the old lighting!


I know why this shows ending, but still, its the end of an era!


Hi I know this is a late reply but just looking through TOTP messages on here, I was teh LD on the last show and on most of the shows over the last 18 months, its a great shame for us as the lighting team who had so much fun on the show and a big shame for all the viewers of it, theres nothing on TV at the moment that comes anywhere close to that for pop music. Im involved with a lot of music stuff on TV but still nothing as iconis as TOTP!

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