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Gaffa Tape


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The venue I have just taken over as technical co-ordinator in has a large collection of steel deck, and therefore (obviously) a large collection of stell deck legs. Over their years of use they have built up a fairly significant quantity of gaffa tape around the legs (I assume for using gaffa to hold pieces of decking together, or to hold legs into the deck). The layers are on some legs getting close to 3-4cm thick. Does anyone have any ideas of how to remove these effectively? I've tried stripping them by hand with the use of a stanley knife - but it's taking ages!.





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Most Gaffer tape glue is soluble in petrol, however a bath of petrol may not be what you want in your theatre. I have only used it from a can on a cloth on cables outdoors. I'm sure there are other solvents less volatile which you may be able to use.



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I've tried stripping them by hand with the use of a stanley knife - but it's taking ages!.

Others have remarked upon the methods of ridding yourself of the goo, but from your post, I'm not sure that's your (original) query.


If, as I suspect, you want to get 3 to 4 cm of tape off of a leg, why not simply slice (carefully) downwards (assuming the leg's upright) through the tape, then pull it apart like a collar.....?

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when I saw the topic title, I mistakenly got the wrong idea. I was going to post, in response to the question "how do I get rid of gaffa?" the response "leave it on the stage managers desk, that always makes it disappear!
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when I saw the topic title, I mistakenly got the wrong idea. I was going to post, in response to the question "how do I get rid of gaffa?" the response "leave it on the stage managers desk, that always makes it disappear!


Leave it ANYWHERE and it disappears around here!!

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The stuff you want is the stuff that is described in the links that Bruce gave as orange smelling. Its proper name is de-solv-it made by Orange-Sol. It can be bought as a house hold product called Sticky Stuff Remover which is readily available from Lakeland Plastics, but it is also available in more industrial forms for example Scientific and Chemical http://www.scichem.com/ sell it (type desolvit into the search box ) we had large bottles of it that we used in A-Level chemistry to replace things like Carbontetrachloride
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Had a similar problem to this when I was back at school last helping on a show.


White spirit (no its not a drink! hehe) We just bought a few cans of said fluid (very cheaply I might add), put it all in a bucket with the scaff legs in, came back the next day and all the gaffa was coming off like it was wheatabix! Just used a bit of 2 x 1 as a scraper!


I use the stuff to get 'gunk' off cables. Works as an all round good cleaning agent, lx/gaffa muck, mud!, anyting really.





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