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Is this site legit.?


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I've just been looking on Froogle for SM57s and this site came up...


This is the direct link.



I was just wondering if this site is legitimate for obvious reasons? Firstly, extremely cheap price (£40 with free delivery) and also the site doesn't exactly look too professionally designed...


If it is legit. then it's one good site... But I don't really want to take the risk.


I was just wondering if any of the BR members have experience with it or any comments?



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I have no knowledge of this company, but looking at the site, a couple of things spring to mind:


Points for:


They give a postal address and a landline fax number, both of which you can verify.


Points against:


Their email address is a Yahoo freebie, which is something that always rings alarm bells with me.


If it was me, I'd do some checking on the address and phone number before deciding whether to purchase.



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These are the things that would put me off: -

  • @yahoo contact address
  • No telephone number on the site
  • Inital ordering process is not on a secure server (if credit card details aren't entered into a secure page I would definitely not continue, but I didn't go that far through the process)
  • The site was only set up at the end of March (link) though the domain address matches the address on the site which is a good point
  • "We answer emails Monday - Friday 9 AM - 6 PM EST" - timezone on a UK site?
  • A telephone search shows no match for that name at that address, but does find someone a couple of doors down the road with the same surname - could just be coincidence.

I would email them to see how quickly they respond and try to chat on the phone before risking it.

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It's always worth putting a company name or domain name into Google and seeing what comes up.


In this case, spectacularly little.


I would be tempted to phone them and speak to Mr JIA ZENG

23 Aston brook grenn


B6 4AS

,who is the domain registrant.


It may well be legit. Their prices are very low. There is an old internet adage "if it seems too good to be true, it probably is." If you pay by credit card, you should get some protection.


The above is purely factual and no suggestion of the legitimacy or otherwise of the site is implied.

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I sent them an email this morning clearly to ask if they were legit.


I'm yet to receive a reply.


I'll let you all know when/if I receive one what happens.


Thanks for the thoughts so far!


The post code exists though, which is a start :(.

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For those of you who are interested, I have got the companies phone number from Alibaba. Curiously enough, it's a mobile number, but I'll be phoning it first thing in the morning to find out more.


I'll let you know as soon as possible what the result is.

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Another warning bell for me is that the website states that they have a turnover of £400k in the last year. However the URL was only registered in March / April this year, and is registered to an individual, not a Ltd company.


Would be very interested to hear if anyone has had a successful transaction with these guys...

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