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Architectural lighting with a £700 budget


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I have been asked to add some colour to a youth cafe, with a £700 budget, and they have a behringer lighting desk.


Its all trussing, so im thinking of lighting the trussing with initially LED's but that will be to expensive, so maybe some pars and chromaQ or something like that.


Any ideas would be welcome.





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Get a load of par56's and colour em up. LEDs will prove too expensive, especially considering you could get at least 15 56s with bulbs. And still leave a bit for the gels and dimmer packs.


I wouldnt try running anything too DMXY off the Behringer lighting desk, it doesnt tend to like movers and what not, although it works well with dimmer packs.

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Its all trussing, so im thinking of lighting the trussing with initially LED's but that will be to expensive, so maybe some pars and chromaQ or something like that.


You could look at LED PARs - they aren't that expensive or channel hungry. You should be able to do something reasonable with them for that much money. Check out the Thomann site - you can get them for under £100 each.


Depends how big the space is though as to how effective they would be. You also don't say how much ambient light you have to contend with.



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With that money, I would go for completely conventional lighting. Even that would be pushing it. Some birdies for highlights, some pars and fresnells for washes and pools of colours. Depending on the layout, you can buy some really cool colour changing spheres etc for less than AU$100 - works best if you have recesses in a very neutrally painted room (white or black) however they are NOT programable (adding that little feature basically tripples the cost from what I have seen)


I saw some REALLY cheap architechtual mini LED movers about 6 months ago, that cost about AU$200 each - they were small white things that used bugger all power and were controlled by DMX. Name and model completely escape me, however they really would eat up far too much of your budget.


You said it had a desk, but what you have not said is how many channels of dimming are available.


If you have dimmers in place, the you can get quite a few 'generics'/'conventionals' for your money - if there is no dimming, then you are really going to have to either use a big chunk of that for dimmers, or you are going to HAVE to use movers/'intelligent lights'...


All said however - real architechtual stuff = big $$$ - especially now that it has become a really big thing.


A hell of a lot of this depends on the size, space, colour, arrangement, mood etc of the venue.

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Note from the moderators : this member has deleted/edited several of his posts in a fit of pique. Apologies if it makes the thread harder to follow - we've reinstated what we can, but the newer ones hadn't been cached so there's nothing we can do about them.

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they have no dimmer!

the guy who installed all there old lights just did it all together with IEC leads.


im looking for that idea of top one colour and bottom another.


this is a photo from a gig I lit last year there, (I took the photo)

all equipment was hired in.







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I might have missed something here and I apologies if I have but they have no dimmers yet they have a lighting desk unless they have purely intelligent fixtures (unlikely, and anyway you wouldn’t want to run them off a behringer), I don’t really see the point in having a desk… Unless they have switch packs?


Edit: Beaten to it again… must type posts faster...

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Note from the moderators : this member has deleted/edited several of his posts in a fit of pique. Apologies if it makes the thread harder to follow - we've reinstated what we can, but the newer ones hadn't been cached so there's nothing we can do about them.

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ok, its 3 feet.

There are no dimmer packs at all!

They have like 4 lights installed

Trussing went in few months before that gig.


It can hold 200kg on one bar.

cable will go along top and down inside of truss, using cable ties probably.

Lighting Desk is in his office, it connects as a 5pin DMX but the lights are connected by DMX to each other I believe its IEC.


They have a wired in sound system and 1 'disco' scanner (sound 2 light).

A company installed the trussing, unsure who though.


I want 16 lights maybe more to light the truss, but theres fabric above the truss that if it gets too hot could set on fire. so thats why im in favour of LED. and it I can connect these leds via DMX (daisy chain) then ill do that.


it cost like £10000 I believe well something like that.


They got the behringer for free from someone.

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I'm also going to recommend the LED PAR 56's. You can daisy DMX as with any other DMX fixture, the only limitation being highest address is 127, effectively giving a limit of 20 individually controllable fixtures in a single universe (512ch).

They are not particularly bright, the colour mixing is not perfect and their control is not so smooth, but it should do the job here fine. Crucially there is no heat, no bulbs and no dimmer requirement which would be at least half your budget for only 6 channels.

DMX is on 3pin which makes interconnects much cheaper.


Remember you will need to by clamps, bolts, safety bonds and fit different plugs if you don't want the european ones supplied.


You are not going to be able to get 16 lamps even with the units costing less than £50 ex VAT, especially when you should leave at least £100 for the extra bits you need, but I think this is the best value you can achieve with such a small budget.

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Its all trussing, so im thinking of lighting the trussing with initially LED's but that will be to expensive, so maybe some pars and chromaQ or something like that.


Browsing the CPC catalogue I noticed some very 'cheap and cheerfull' 'truss lights (DP28311) at




I have no personal experience of them, but all you need to add is mains and DMX, and at just over sixty quid each they've got to be worth a look!

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