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Hi Everyone

My first post on the forum and it is for some advise on sound systems.

I sing and play acoustic guitar and over the last five years I have tried the following systems:-

AER domino speaker going out to two AER extension speakers.

A pair of Tannoy 15 inch pros, with a cheep amp (owned by a friend of mine)

The new Bose LS1 with two extension base units.

My first system was the AER which I was happy with until I heard the system my friend owned, it was not only capable of greater volume, it also sounded less coloured.

The Bose system is a recent purchase and overall it is a fantastic sounding system, better than both of the others in sound quality, but unfortunately when I play with a band, which I do fairly regularly, I am at full volume most of the time and these are small venues, i.e. pubs or clubs, maximum 150 people. And now we have a gig coming up at a larger venue, maybe 300 people and I don’t think the Bose is up to it.

The main reason for this post is that I am currently looking at a Nexo system that is up for sale on e-bay. It has the following items: -




I would be grateful of any advise from people that know, or have owned this system, or from anyone that feels strongly about any other small PA’s, and finally does anybody know where I might go and listen to the nexo’s?

Many Thanks


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Hi Everyone

My first post on the forum and it is for some advise on sound systems.



I would be grateful of any advise from people that know, or have owned this system, or from anyone that feels strongly about any other small PA’s, and finally does anybody know where I might go and listen to the nexo’s?

Welcome to the forum.


Have a look at THIS RECENT THREAD, where many of these issues have been discussed.



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I have read the posts, but nobody mentions where I might go and listen to a nexo PS10 system, anybody installed a system in a club or know of a band that plays with one?

Barry, hi.

It's a fair ways away from London, but we have a PS10 setup - 2 x PS10 speakers (flown) with a single LS500 sub under the stage, powered by a PS10 controller amp.

If you want to come up this way one evening with a couple of CD's/MD's that you want to try running through the system you're more than welcome. Thursdays are my regular 'tech nights' as a rule.




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Not so easy with e-bay. the seller needs to live close enough for it to be possible, and you also need to get their permission. Currently I have e-mailed the person selling the Nexo gear three times, and they haven't responded yet, it's a bit of a worry.



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Bad communications from a seller, stock photos probably off the Nexo Website, and not particularly great english. I'd be very wary of that sale.


I would not part eith any cash until the seller lets you hear the system and can prove that it is theirs to sell. If they do that then it may well be a bargin, but please be careful.

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Thanks for the advise little DJ


I'm fairly clued up on the e-bay fraud stuff, the last e-mail I sent to him said that I am only bidding on the basis that I can pick up and pay cash.


I have to say that it is looking more and more likely that it is some arse trying to get hold of someones hard earned cash. He still hasn't replied to my e-mails, I've sent 4 now. I will continue to try and make contact, but if I get no reply I will report it to e-bay.


It's great to find a forum that actually works, although as it is so active I will take The Magus advise and be more careful when I find a possible bargain.


On a completely different issue has anybody had any experience with ALTO products?


Thanks All



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Hi Barry, another welcome to the forum.


I've used a couple of Alto products and they're not bad for the money. they are however in a different league to the PS10 system.

slightly OT, I found their headphone amps pretty much useless as they are not designed to drive under 100ohms.




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Hi Rob


I'm going to post a new thread on the Alto question, because as you say it is a completely different kettle of fish to the Nexo stuff. But as you, I feel it is really good stuff for the money, particularly the amps.


Thanks for the welcome, I'm a bit of a tone freak, not only on Pa's either, I own some nice Hi-Fi stuff as well, I.e Lin Sondek, Naim, Arcam, so I'm going to enjoy this board. And I haven't even started on my guitar and amp collection.


Must go back to work now, popped home for lunch.



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