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Fixture Library


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Hi Guys,


Does anyone have the fixture.lib for the studio due CS-4's?


I have attempted to build my own, but dont really know enough, and had no luck from strand directly.


If some has one, that would be great, if not, any ideas where I could get one?



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Ok, due to lack of interest from the above, I shall ask another.


I have six scrollers that I need to patch into the desk, but never been able to undertand how to do it. Because they dont have personalities.


Could someone explain to me how to patch a scroller please?


Also, how do you use a DMX fixture, that you dont have the attributes for; e.g the CS-4 above, as I have no idea how to operate this kind of thing without the personality file.


Any help appreciated.



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Re. scrollers - you just patch them as a colour attribute for the relevant channel - e.g. a scroller attached to a lantern on channel 10 would be 10.2. To patch them in, use the @ATT key when patching - (DMX address)[@ATT](desk channel)[@ATT](number of frames). Example - a scroller with a DMX address of 301 is on the front of a lantern patched to channel 1, and has 16 frames in the scroll ... so you'd type 301[@ATT]1[@ATT]15 (this is the same as typing 301[@]1.2[@]15). (Note that you have to subtract 1 from the actual number of frames in the scroll - GeniusPro calls the first one 'frame 0'.)


Re. fixtures that aren't in the personality file - if you want to patch a fixture that isn't in the fixture.lib file, and you can't find anyone who can provide you with the necessary file, you need to create it yourself. It's quite simple, really, and has been covered several times in the past in various Blue Room topics. Go into the Notes page on the desk, open up the FIXTURE.LIB file and have a look at what's in there - there's a whole section of notes at the top of the file which explain how to create custom fixtures, and plenty of different fixture definitions in the default file to use as examples.


Incidentally, the reason that you got no replies to your initial request for a CS4 personality file is probably because no-one has one ....

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Right, I have got myself extremley confused, I understand the idea of adding and changing my own fixture attributes, that is fine, but this one confuses me.


Because if the nature of the fixture, there is 4 dimmers, 1 per lamp, and then a global tilt, for all 4 lamp and then individual tilts for each lamp.


Can someone visit here;


Studio Due Manual for CS-4


and have a look at the CS-4 manual.


I cant get my head around how to have more than one type of thing, eg 4 dimmers to the different address' in the fixture.lib.


Can someone pleae point me in the right direction.



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What a strange product - I suspect the difficulty is writing a fixture lib for it that will make them easy to control. I guess there are a few ways to make this work, but the difficulty is the fact that you have a global tilt attribute, but separate pans for the four heads. So how you map them will be interesting. if there were just 3 heads - then I would probably have used cmy parameters, from the control point of view to control the three dimmers - but with four? you could have four separate channels, but I don't think it is possible to skip an attribute DMX channel, and then pick that up with another channels one? Strands system uses attribute 1 as intensity - so you can map anything to anything really, BUT pulling the master down won't dim anything other than the intensity channel, making blackouts a real pain.


I'm stumped - I think I'd give strand a ring and see if they have set one up with one of these before?


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Work around could be...


Assign Unit 1 to start at DMX address 200.


200 patch to channel 1 (Spot 1 intensity)

201 patch to channel 2 (Spot 2 intensity)

202 patch to channel 3 (Spot 3 intensity)

203 patch to channel 4 (Spot 4 intensity)

204 patch to channel 5.3 (Global Pan)

205 patch to channel ?

206 patch to channel 5.4 (Global Tilt)

207 patch to channel ?

208 patch to channel 1.3 (Spot 1 pan)

209 patch to channel 1.? (Spot 1 pan fine)

210 patch to channel 2.3 (Spot 2 pan)

211 patch to channel 2.? (Spot 2 pan fine)

212 patch to channel 3.3 (Spot 3 pan)

213 patch to channel 3.? (Spot 3 pan fine)

214 patch to channel 4.4 (Spot 4 pan)

215 patch to channel 4.? (Spot 4 pan fine)

216 patch to channel 5.25 (Pan mode)

217 patch to channel 5.17 (Global motor speed)

218 patch to channel 5.20 (Global Reset)

219 patch to channel 5.21 (Global AUX)



Then treat the four 'lamps' as independent generic fixtures (solves blackout problems!)


Assign an un-used DMX output to channel 5, and then all the global attributes as attributes. eg 5.3, 5.4, 5.21 etc


This way channel 5 will operate global functions. By assigning the spot attributes as 1.2, 1.3 and 2.2, 2.3 etc you can treat the fixture a 4 separate units and 5 as the master control.


Hope this makes sense. Not sure that I have got the attribute point numbers correct, but the concept is that...


Select channel 1,2,3 or 4 and the intensity is on the wheel with the individual coarse pan on the ball, L-R and the 1st colour wheel is fine pan.

(there may be a neater way of assigning 16bit pan, but I don't know it!)

Select channel 5 and you have no intensity, but the ball give global pan and tilt for all units! (again not sure on the fine P&T, maybe assign to the colour wheels?) The other colour wheel should control things like motor speed, reset etc



Can't promise this works, will try on 520 offline tomorrow - but even then without the fixture it's hard to tell!


Let me know how you get on!


Edited after 1st offline trial!

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Work around could be...


Assign Unit 1 to start at DMX address 200.


200 assign to channel 1..... <snip> 203 assign to channel 4


Then treat the four 'lamps' as independent generic fixtures (solves blackout problems!)


Assign an un-used DMX output to channel 5, and then all the global attributes as attributes. eg 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 etc


This way channel 5 will operate global functions. By assigning the spot attributes as 1.1, 1.2 and 2.1, 2.2 etc you can treat the fixture a 4 separate units and 5 as the master control.

I was about to suggest something similar.

However, I've been giving this a good staring at and to be honest I can't quite see how it can be done without a lot of frigging with channels.... I can't see any way of telling the library to 'jump' channels to pick up the attributes it needs.


Easiest option I can see would be:

Assign the dimmer channels as above, to separate control channels, but set them 3 channels apart. Then put the coarse & fine tilt channels in between, so they're all grouped together as a fixture.



201 = dimmer 1

202 = coarse tilt 1

203 = fine tilt 1,

204 = dimmer 2

205 = coarse tilt 2

206 = fine tilt 2,


then 213, 214 215 & 216 as the global pan/tilt controls, with the others taking up the next 4 channels.


OR, just group them all as per the DMX list, keeping all dimmers together, tiltstogether etc.


Either way I can't see any way at this point of making this work without simply using 20 DMX channels ...


I'll make some enquiries though.....



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Im kinda getting my head round this, its really helpful when some people know what they are doing. Ill have to see if I can get hold of the fixture and then I will give it some trial runs next week.


If you guys have any more thoughts, keep them coming, they are much appreciated.



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But how does one go about assigning that without creating a fixture lib? (which doesn't enable you to control 4 independant intensities)


Or, how do you assign that using the @att key in the patch screen!

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Guest mattladkinlx

Use the parameters in the fixture library on the patch screen. (pulled directly from .lib file so sorry for the formatting!)


Use the number to the left as the control I.e Channel 2 pan would be 2.3 and tilt 2.4 and patch directly into the fixture.


I.e 201 @ 2.2 (would put DMX channel 201 as the colour attribute for channel 2)


(This can also be done in the main screen so you can type direct values instead of using attribute wheels)


# 1 Intensity 2 Colour

# 3 Pan 4 Tilt

# 5 Iris 6 Focus 7 Prism

# 8 Gobo 9 RGobo 10 Frost

# 11 Cyan 12 Magenta 13 Yellow

# 14 Red 15 Green 16 Blue

# 17 Speed 18 ColSpeed 19 BeamSpeed

# 20 Reset 21 Reset2 22 Duration

# 23 Index 24 Index2 25 Index3

# 26 Gobo2 27 Gobo2Index 28 Gobo2Function

# 29 Gobo3 30 Gobo3Index 31 Gobo3Function

# 32 Prism2 33 PrismIndex 34 PrismFunction

# 35 FX 36 GoboIndex 37 GoboFunction

# 38 Frost2 39 Fan 40 Fan2

# 41 Strobe 42 Strobe2 43 Strobe3

# 44 Colour2 45 ColMixFunc 46 ColourFunction

# 47 Iris2 48 Power 49 Power2

# 50 Focus2 51 Focus3 52 FocusControl

# 53 Zoom 54 Zoom2 55 Zoom3

# 56 Reserved Was PanCoarse now use 3 Pan

# 57 Reserved Was PanFine now use x3 Pan extended

# 58 Reserved Was TiltCoarse now use 4 Tilt

# 59 Reserved Was TiltFine now use x4 Tilt extended

# 60 X 61 Y 62 Z 63 Theta

# 64 Smoke 65 Smoke2 66 Slide 67 Slide2

# 68 Shutter 69 Shutter2 70 Shutter3 71 Shutter4

# 72 Shutter1A 73 Shutter1B 74 Shutter2A 75 Shutter2B

# 76 Shutter3A 77 Shutter3B 78 Shutter4A 79 Shutter4B

# 80 AutoPilot 81 Att81 82 FXIndex 83 FXFunc

# 84 CheckSum 85 Checksum2

# 86 ShutterRotate 87 Macro

# 88 ColourTemperatureOrange 89 ColourTemperatureBlue

# 90 AspectRatio

# 91 PProfile 92 TProfile 93 PSize 94 TSize

# 95 PSpeed 96 TSpeed 97 PPhase 98 TPhase

# 99 PTRotate 100 Att100

# 101 Library 102 File 103 InFrame 104 OutFrame

# 105 PlayMode 106 PlaySpeed

# 107 Key:X1 108 Key:Y1 109 Key:X2 110 Key:Y2

# 111 Key:X3 112 Key:Y3 113 Key:X4 114 Key:Y4

# 115 Trails 116 VisualFunc 117 FX2 118 FX2Index

# 119 FX2Function 120 FX3 121 FX3Index 122 FX3Func

# 123 Att123 124 Att124 125 Att125 126 Att126

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Sorry, either you missunderstand me, or vise versa.


I understand how to patch attributes, hence my 'work around' post, my question was in response to peter, how do you patch to attribute 3.3x there is no x key on my console!

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