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frogs don't like water


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During the half term we had a major disaster, I walked in first thing this morning to find the floor under 2 inch's of water.


It seems that the water tank above had cracked and the desk containing the Frog, UPS, LCD screen, Mackie desk, amps, MD, CD and outboards took the full brunt.


Insurence are paying out by next week we hope...


So is anyone wants any of the above... :wub:

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Were any of the items sitting in water or did they get wet when powered?


With a number of items - if they dry out totaly then they can be suprisingly fine



(If they've been sitting in water for a while then you might have a problem...)


I'm sure you will find that the insurance company will take everything off your hands.

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Hang on - Just thinking - if you don't have enough electronics know-how to know exactly what you are doing then I would not recomed you play with trying to power something that has got that wet just in case...




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I have no intention of powering up, I value my life.


The 2 desks were well and truely drowned... sitting under a mixture of water and plaster.


We turned all the power off, unplugged all and moved it all, however the desks are still dripping, which isn't a good thing.

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The 2 desks were well and truely drowned... sitting under a mixture of water and plaster.




Getting wet and drying out is one thing


sitting in gunk for a week is no nice :wub:



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Insurence are paying out by next week we hope...


An insurance company that is paying out within a week. I am impressed. One claim I was involved with several years back in a school took over 6 months to pay out. That was just red tape and paperwork between the school, local government and insurance company and not because there was any dispute over paying it.

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If the insurance pay out then the 'salvage' belongs to them

You can sometimes do a deal with them. I had a car burst into flames whilst driving along and, although they agreed a total right-off, I was able to keep the car for £25. I was able to salvage a couple of good tyres, the stereo and a few other bits.

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With a number of items - if they dry out totaly then they can be suprisingly fine

indeed they can. A while ago I witnessed a 19 inch rack, with a couple of amps, active crossover and graphic equalizers plunge into a swimming pool. After a through drying out (with a hair dryer) everything was fine!


Thats the last time I did sound for a 'pool side concert', come to think of it that was the last time I ran sound :wub:

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Guest lightnix
...(with a hair dryer)

Titter ye not, but a hairdryer can be a very useful tool to take on outdoor gigs, especially rainy ones with moving lights.

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Thats the last time I did sound for a 'pool side concert', come to think of it that was the last time I ran sound



Look it's flipper. Howya doing mate?


cllllllliiiiiiiicccckkkkk clickkkk cliccckkk.


Hold on I think he is trying to tell us something!


Ccccclllllicck click ccccllllliiiicccckkk cliiiicckk


John is struck down the mine? No that's not it...


Clllliiiiiicccckk click clickkkkk


Ah gotya! Flipper wants a little bit more otter in the monitor mix.

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