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Free Computerised Sound Cue Playback software


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I have had a good look around the forum but cant find anything actually talking about FREE sound cue software...


My situation is I need to find some software for a theatre school that needs the software for its next performance, and doesnt have the budget (at the moment) to buy anything.

So, if anyone can suggest any GOOD software that is free, that isn't just a demo, then can you let me know... either by replying here, or email (luminairesuk@yahoo.co.uk), but preferably not PM.


Thank you in advance,


Luminaires Theatrical Company

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So, what have you looked at? Is 30 quid really outwith your budget?


PCstage should do what you want, and I believe it's free if you don't use the DMX features.


SCS will cost a modest amount. I once, in an emergency, used it in demo mode on a live show (other laptop had died, didn't have license key to reinstall on new laptop). Max of 25 cues, and need to restart every 20 mins, but it got us out of a hole.


But if, as you say in your original post, you "need this software for your next performance", rather than simply "want", or "would like to have", then is 30 quid too much to ask?

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PCstage should do what you want, and I believe it's free if you don't use the DMX features.

PCStage now needs to be registered for use as a sound playback tool, otherwise the audio stops after an hour, I'm not aware if theres a cost for doing that though. But PCStage is top class software, and will do the job.

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Thank you all for your suggestions.


Q-Manager is quite good.


that reminds me - I tried it out quite a while ago, and liked it, I will probably use it again!!!!! THANKS!!!

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Not sure whether you are Mac or PC based, I personally use SFX, not by any means free. However also being a Mac user I have recently come across some newly released software called 'Qlab'


I have downloaded it, but not had chance to 'play' with it yet!



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I have had a good look around the forum but cant find anything actually talking about FREE sound cue software...


My situation is I need to find some software for a theatre school that needs the software for its next performance, and doesnt have the budget (at the moment) to buy anything.

So, if anyone can suggest any GOOD software that is free, that isn't just a demo, then can you let me know... either by replying here, or email (luminairesuk@yahoo.co.uk), but preferably not PM.


Thank you in advance,


Luminaires Theatrical Company


"You get what you pay for" really has a lot of truth to it! I can't believe that a school can't afford a few pounds (22 £ for the "Lite: version up to 52 £ for the "Professional" version) for a program like Sound Cue System.


Do yourself a favour and at least check out the demo. Sound Cue System


This is GOOD quality software with excellent support from the developer. You are NOT going to get that from freeware!

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"You get what you pay for" really has a lot of truth to it!

Mostly yes, but not always. PCStage used to be free for all purposes except lighting control, and frankly you need to spend $1195 to get a comparable product and that still has no lighting control, none of the sub-hundred or few-hundred buck packages are remotely feature comparable (including the $495 edition of SFX), which isnt to say that they aren't entirely adequate for what many folks feel they need. Horses for courses, but (and this is the important bit) money isn't the prime differentiator.

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"You get what you pay for" is a saying I find is largely untrue.


That is like saying Amdram is NEVER as good as a professional show.


There is some excelent free software out there, which far outstrips the commercial competition. As DBuckley mentioned, PCStage - an excellent piece of software from the few times I have played with it. For the niche it fits, it is far superior to the commercial software which fits the same purpose.

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"You get what you pay for" is a saying I find is largely untrue.


That is like saying Amdram is NEVER as good as a professional show.


There is some excelent free software out there, which far outstrips the commercial competition. As DBuckley mentioned, PCStage - an excellent piece of software from the few times I have played with it. For the niche it fits, it is far superior to the commercial software which fits the same purpose.



But if you have a problem with PCStage are you going to be able to get any user support? If a certain bit of it doesn't quite fit the needs of your production, will the developer tweek it for you so that it does? THAT'S what I like about SCS. I'm betting that if PCStage doesn't work for you and you haven't paid for the DMX bit, you are on your own. . .


And regarding your comment about Amdram. . .


I don't know why you would take my comment about freeware vs. software you pay for to be some kind of condemnation of amateur theatre. I certainly didn't mean it like that! I have seen lots of fine amateur theatre, and I have seen many. many crap pro productions! My comment was only meant to point out that in certain classes of software (this one in particular) that payment gets you are level of support that is missing in freeware.


Your countryman Mike Daniell developed Sound Cue system as shareware. The level of support that I have received from him for his product has been outstanding! He even developed the MIDI portion of the software with input from me and provided a special release of the program just for me so that I could do a show with it. I could be wrong, but I don't see that happening with a program like PCStage.

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