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I'm researching for an assignment for a drama course and have decided to do Cheif LX. I need to know anything about the career, what qualifications you need and what job oppurtunities it leads to.

Any info would be greatfully recieved.



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Surely research means you look for the information, not ask people for the answers.


I'm quite concerned at the quality of the post aswell. Students from Guidford should be doing proper work, not messing about with computers.


Now, back to work.

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Surely research means you look for the information, not ask people for the answers.


I'm quite concerned at the quality of the post aswell. Students from Guidford should be doing proper work, not messing about with computers.


Now, back to work.

That did not help I need the answers as I cannot find them on the internet

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Before you guys start laying into me about a bad posts. Let me just set one thing straight.



Hanxxx is my girlfriend.



I was having a joke.


She asked me first of all, I told her to do a net search, and the blue-room came up as an answer.



Apoligise for any harm done to anyone.

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Before you guys start laying into me about a bad posts. Let me just set one thing straight.



Hanxxx is my girlfriend.



I was having a joke.


She asked me first of all, I told her to do a net search, and the blue-room came up as an answer.



Apoligise for any harm done to anyone.


Damn. Spose I cant dash in with my Mods sword and rescue the lady in distress from this rude man now?!


A chief position is usually something you have to work up to, from being a regular spark. A chief's role is generally to take the designers plan and turn it into reality, relieving the designer of all the technical issues involved, thus leaving them to be creative (and perhaps a tad annoying :blink: ).


You have to have a good technical knowledge, as well as skills in managing people, money, time and space. The chief is responsible for getting the rig in the air and working to a set timescale. They will also need to ensure the productions requirements are looked after and maintained throughout the run.


Hope this helps,




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You have to have a good technical knowledge, as well as skills in managing people, money, time and space. The chief is responsible for getting the rig in the air and working to a set timescale. They will also need to ensure the productions requirements are looked after and maintained throughout the run


And in some venues have an idea on building electrics, fire alarms, burglar alarms, kitchen cooking equipment, computers, heating, air conditioning, theatre sound, video projection, paging systems, emergancy batteries, sump pumps, to name but a few!


Or is that just my job?



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And in some venues have an idea on building electrics, fire alarms, burglar alarms, kitchen cooking equipment, computers, heating, air conditioning, theatre sound, video projection, paging systems, emergancy batteries, sump pumps, to name but a few!


Or is that just my job?

You forgot hand driers and security cameras. Welcome to Cambridge Arts Theatre. :blink:

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