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What EQ is best for a nightclub?


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We are looking to add an EQ to our existing amp rack, mainly to boost the mid-range. Any suggestions as to which EQ would be the best for this?



Hi, welcome to the Blue Room.....


perhaps you could just tell us why the midrange needs boosting? Is it a general problem with the sound system? Is there a mismatch with respect to the amplifiers or loudspeakers? Could there be a wiring problem or component failure? Are there acoustic issues that result in certain frequencies being emphasised through room modes?


If there is a need for an equaliser (and they are very useful!) then almost any unit that fits your budget might suffice. The lower cost dBx units seem to deliver good audio and build quality at a reasonable price.


However, if you are at all unsure about any of the other possibilities mentioned above, it's worth sorting those out first, since they are mainly non equalisable problems!



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Do you want digital or analogue?

Do you have a tight budget, or are you open slather?

Do you have a prefered brand?

What kit do you already have?


If you want decent help, you really do need to say more than "What's the best EQ for a club". I mean if you just want to boost mid range you could get a 3 band EQ.... it will be corse, but you can lift your midrange easily. Or do you want more control - 12 band, 48 band? There is no where near enough information in that post... (Sorry, but I do hate 'what is the best' threads, because there are products that fit certain niche markets best and it all depends on how much $$$ you can spend)

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I assume that this is a perminant rig in a club here?


If so get in someone to SMAART the system, then configure an appropriate locked off DSP box. 1U nothing to fiddle with password protected. You can of course have a seperate pluggable analouge graphic for any viding BEs who need to use one.


fod dsp look at something like the DBX Driverack 260 or similar

for analouge graphics look at a KT DN360 or similar


But as everyone else has said you haven't given us enough information to be able to help well. What I've sugested might be what you are after or it could bc completly inappropriate, we need more information.



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As Simon said I would check other parts of your system first, generally most people use EQ to cut out frequencys not to boost. If it's something as wide as 'the whole midrange' then I would suggest that something else is wrong with your system. At the end of the day if your drastically boosting your mid-range using an EQ then your amp is going to run out of steam quicker due to the greater input level.
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For a nightclub, ideally a waterproof one! Failing that, whats your budget, Samson do a nice range that I really like, and whats your existing system? its pointless putting a top of the range eq on a skytec system! I have a behringer 6200 eq, and love it, really crisp sound. But if your running a Nexo system or the like you might want a higher quality Eq. Oh one last question that has been asked before. Analog or digital? The behringer I have is a graphic, but your needs may variety.


HTH, But a bit more info needed first


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Can you buy graphics that come from the factory with the obligatory clubland "smile" eq???


Slightly more seriously, many DJ mixers use EQs that to someone used to mixer EQ is fairly odd, in that the controls (for bass, mid, and treble) go clockwise from centre from 0dB to plus something normalish, but anticlock from centre go all the way to full attenuation, more like a level for a band than an EQ.

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