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Dancing On Ice


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Just a quick question...

Does anyone know what lighting they use behind the big 'diamond' shaped ice set on 'Dancing On Ice'? There is a nice effect of random strobing and flicker effects that I've never really seen produced before, for each dance and when the judges are on.


p.s. I do think though there is too much lighting involved in that show - especially with the mac 500's(?) around the ice rink.

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after just watching Dancing on Ice for the first time I was just about to post the same thing. I am going to have to disagree with you on the strobing / flickering effect - I found it really distracting when they were talking to the judges, it looked like a flourescent tube when the starter is playing up and it starts to flicker. Once I had noticed this thats all I ended up looking at the flickering light (maybe im just sad, ** laughs out loud **) Apart from that it looked pretty good.


my 2p worth



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Does anyone know what lighting they use behind the big 'diamond' shaped ice set on 'Dancing On Ice'?

I was actually going to ask if anyone has an idea what they use to project onto the ice?

There are some pretty cool (not to mention large sized) colourful images. My guess would be some powerful projectors, rather than effects luminaires, as the images tend not to be static, but very mobile.





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Yep I thought the same about the screens under the ice. I've never seen any shadows.


Also - are the 500s only on the opposite side that the cameras are on, it might just be me, but I am sure I have never seen angles from the other side? If not - that's a lot of 500s not doing a great deal.



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I had to just watch the clips on the website, since I'm far away, but it looks like hi-res glass patterns, shot from straight overhead (thus eliminating shadows (although how can one tell with those followspots washing out the ice)). The LED under the ice is a cool idea (no pun intended), but I didn't see any joints/seams between screens if they were there. And since it's television, the cameras could be "opened up" so that the lighting doesn't have to be all that bright, so the projections could just be normal moving lights and not high-powered.


What's the conversion rate for my two cents? ;)

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I had to just watch the clips on the website, since I'm far away, but it looks like hi-res glass patterns, shot from straight overhead (thus eliminating shadows (although how can one tell with those followspots washing out the ice)). The LED under the ice is a cool idea (no pun intended), but I didn't see any joints/seams between screens if they were there. And since it's television, the cameras could be "opened up" so that the lighting doesn't have to be all that bright, so the projections could just be normal moving lights and not high-powered.


What's the conversion rate for my two cents? ;)

I don't reckon they're from standard movers - the images are too big, too clear and balanced and colours too saturated.

The LED under the ice also seems unlikely as again the images seemed too crisp.

I'm still thinking high-powered projections....

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Currently touring with a ice show, I can quite clearly rule out the use of led under the ice, it really wouldnt be possible due to the pipe system required to keep the ice chilled. and although LEDs only give out minimal heat, trust me, even an alteration of 0.5 of a Centigrade will affect the ice and how the skaters preform on it. crazy I know, but the skaters I work with are a number of world champions, guess they know what they like with ice. straight down DL1s or 2s is the most likly answer. although thats a large budget for quite a few of them units.... maybe there is another possibility.



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Could well be a few DL2s or DL1s with Catalyst/hippotiser/what-have-you.

They are fairly bright so long as they aren't directly competing with anything else.

I don't think DL-2s could be used in a TV studio, they are not very bright at all. When used properly they are a lovely light, but that involves making the environment very dim.

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it looked like a flourescent tube when the starter is playing up and it starts to flicker. Once I had noticed this thats all I ended up looking at the flickering light


Ha when you put into that context then yeah I'll agree with you - that's all I looked at when the judges were on!

(once again) Nice random flickering, flashy, washy effects through the set!

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Adding to this query - does anyone know what they use in the corners (bit like some sort of powerful moonstar effect) at first I thought it was one of the numorus Mac 500's but the beam angle seems to wide?
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