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Snow machine?


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I have a rock concert coming up and for a big finale I want to use a small snow machine to give a party feeling. UV and strobes will be in use at the time to give it a glowing look. My concern is that it will look too much like snow and people will think it is weird. What do you think? Should I go with it and hope for the best or leave it out and stick with the small confetti drop I already have already?
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I have a rock concert coming up and for a big finale I want to use a small snow machine to give a party feeling.

Antari do some pretty effective snow mahines (as do others) which are essentially fast fans that blow a sort of bubble fluid thru a fabric cone.

Not really recommended for theatre work as they sound like a vacuum cleaner on speed, but in a rock environment that should present little problem to you!!



Option 1 - £230

Options 2 & 3 - £64 & £229


(First ones I found on Google - your BESTEST friend!!)



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I already have the snow machine, I just wanted to know if you thought it would work in this enviroment at this time of year.

Sorry - you didn't make that clear.

The way the question is phrased suggests you want to know if it would look good enough before you went to hire/buy one!


However, that's a purely subjective point f view, and one that realistically you need to decide, and as you HAVE the machine already, just play around with it, with the talent, and see what everyone thinks!



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