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Has anybody else suddenly started having problems with CPC's accounts department?


I bought a PC from the specials list and when the invoice arrived it was for about £30, not the real price. Like a good boy, I called them. It's a #### up they said - we'll re-invoice it. Then I got a credit note and a new invoice for more than the special price, so I called again. It's a #### up they said, ignor it and we'll re-invoice again. This kept happening and then last week I called them again to say that I still can't make head or tail of the replacement invoices and credit notes. It's a #### up they said. Ignor it, and we'll re-invoice. Then I get a letter saying it's going to the solicitors. I call again. It's a #### up. Please can you tell me what to pay? Not really, was the reply - ignor the letter and we'll invoice again. Not wanting to risk it, I've sent them a cheque for what I think is the real amount.


They are normally so good - has anybody else had problems recently, or is it just me?


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On Tuseday I orderd 12 Par16's And Lamps and 12 Par 64 cans, I had no problem what so ever, and as usual it arrived after the minimum shipping time! I love them, havent had a problem with accounts for Years!


This aint much help is it! :P



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Paul - you should just have paid the first invoice and kept quiet! They'd probably never have noticed!


I had a similar experience a couple of years ago - not with CPC, but with another company that works in the same market space. We have an established relationship with this company, and normally get a discount level around 15% - ie we pay around 85% of catalogue prices, although this varies from product to product.


One day we needed to buy a load of cables - about a thousand pounds list price. We did the usual thing, phoning 3 of our usual suppliers. We expected this particular one to quote about 850 pounds, based on the catalogue price and usual discount level. But they quoted 150!


We asked if they were sure. We asked if this was some sort of special offer. We even suggested that they might want to check this pricing with their supervisor! But no, they insisted it was correct, we were entitled to 85% discount, rather than 85% pricing!


The following week, a similar thing happened - we had a need to place`a particularly large order - about 8k worth - and we were quoted the same huge discount. Again, we asked for confirmation, again we got it! So we ended up ordering even more - our stores were fuller than they ever have been!



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Guest lightnix
Paul - you should just have paid the first invoice and kept quiet!...
Not 'arf ;)


I don't think I've ever used CPC myself, but this is the first time I've ever heard anything really bad about them; I think you're probably one of the unlucky few. That's not to say you shouldn't be angry about it - I'd certainly be writing to their Customer Services first thing in the morning :P


A strongly (but politely) worded complaint can bring a lot more than mere rectification these days. A few months back, some friends of ours threatened to take their Super-Platinum bank accounts elsewhere (over a fairly minor affair IMO) and were sent six bottles of red wine and a further grovelling letter of apology for Christmas :( ;)

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I've had some quite entertaining times with CPC... First, I ordered a sack truck trolley. It didn't arrive so I called and they said they'd send another, free of charge. They did, then the first one arrived as well. We only ever received an invoice for one so we kept very quiet. ;)


Second, we ordered a disco light from them - marked in the catalogue and online as 1 per box. We only ordered one, as we wanted to see what it was like first. 2 arrived, in one box. Again, we kept quiet. :P


EDIT, following Chris' post:- I'm not criticising CPC here - we use them a lot - in fact, the two above situations work out good for us, albeit bad for CPC!

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Has anybody else suddenly started having problems with CPC's accounts department?

I had some problems in the Autumn - tried 3 times to order some LCD screens, but twice the order got bounced because of problems/changes in policy with shipping/invoice addresses, despite me using exactly the same info as I had before. Then they failed to meet anywhere near the delivery time. Finally (after a recommendation from a CPC guy here in the BR) got thru to their customer servies. They sorted out the accounting (I hope) and sent a second pair of screens as a make-sure. Surprise surprise... both the original and the make-sure orders arrived on the same delivery van!!


Unfortunately, though, they invoiced me for the second pair (:P). I'll be paying for them too (or the theatre will) as I can find good use for them, but the transaction was a real pain!



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I also have to say I have had a few bad problems with CPC. I ordered an Amp Meter and it did not arrive, the I phone and it was reordered and again it did not arrive, again I phoned again it was reordered but this time all three arrived, once they arrived I thought the box was very big but on opening all 3 boxs I found that I had 12 Volt Meters, so I phoned them and they said the would send a courier and when the courier comes to give the twelve back so the courier he delivered another volt meter and refused to take the other 12 volt meters away with him. So I called again and told them I was returning all 13 Volt Meters and wanted a refund on the original and I would go else where. So they gave me a returns numbers and I sent them back via Royal Mail recorded delivery, it was sent and signed for but to this day I am unable to buy anything from CPC as im in debit for £1300 for all the items. Tried and tried again to sort it out but I can not be bothered chasing them anymore, when I get a solicitors letter from them I will get my solicitors involved and then they will have egg on there face.
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HI Guys,


Sounds like CPC are getting a slating... I can only suggest you contact Sophie Birch on 08701 202530 - she is the Team Leader responsible for sorting out any problems that are above the regular sales team.

Please feel free to PM me should you ever have a query relating to products, technical or advice - unfortunately I dont have any dealings with Sales or Accounts so cant really offer any help here :P


With regards to the Solicitors letters etc - I have asked the question and these are sent in accordance to our Accounting policy, I would suggest a call to Sophie on the above number and try to sort this before thins turn ugly... its easier to sort now from both sides. If it is easier drop me a PM and I will give you my email addy at work - you can then drop me a line with details and I will ask Sophie to give you a call.



Best Regards




Chris Beesley

Product Manager

CPC Plc.

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It's not just CPC.


I've found that MOST companies systems work reasonably well as long as your transaction is completely "normal". However, as soon as your sales rep steps off the beaten track and tries to do something remotely unusual in terms of price, delivery date or whatever, the computer system throws a wobbly and starts using its random number registers to determine how it will treat you.


...and the trouble is, as soon as you've offended the computer it becomes like a scene from 2001. The mere mortals in the supplier's accounts department can't do a thing to fix it, short of taking an axe to the core processor!



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  • 1 month later...

Shame to bring it up again but. What a nightmare!


I've had an account with CPC for about 4 years and with it I have ordered many thousands of pounds of stuff using various different credit and debit cards registered to different addresses. I have had the items delivered to a variety of addresses aswell. including a few out on the road where I have required something for a show and ordered it guaranteed delivery to the venue for when I get there to save hassle. This has worked without problems. hats off to them for being able to do this...until NOW.


I placed an order on the 21st Feb online. paid with my card, got confirmation e-mail through. Standard del (2-5 days). So this morning I think enough is enough I'm seeing where it has got to as I need this stuff.


turns out my order was cancelled as the delivery address (note : not invoice address) doesn't match the card address. After 25 minutes explaining I was using a personal card but having it delivered to a business adress as THATS WHERE I'LL BE. we finally managed to get a bit of sense.

not only was my order cancelled, I was not informed about this so have been sat on my arse waiting. this rule about delivery addresses and card addresses has been in (accurate) A WHILE. although my last (checked) 26 orders totaling over £10k have been delivered here without so much as a question.


To conclude I've had to have the stuff delivered to my home address where NOBODY WILL BE. to be delivered. I'll then have to go to UPS to collect it myself when I get chance, from my home address that is a depot in ROTHERHAM if I remember right.

If I cannot have something delivered to an address of my choice using a card of my choice after this long (when I've been able to up until now) they are not worth the paper the catalogue is printed on.


its a shame as I've dealt with them alot over the past 4 years and not had a great deal of trouble.




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I placed an order on the 21st Feb online. paid with my card, got confirmation e-mail through. Standard del (2-5 days). So this morning I think enough is enough I'm seeing where it has got to as I need this stuff.


turns out my order was cancelled as the delivery address (note : not invoice address) doesn't match the card address. After 25 minutes explaining I was using a personal card but having it delivered to a business adress as THATS WHERE I'LL BE. we finally managed to get a bit of sense.

not only was my order cancelled, I was not informed about this so have been sat on my arse waiting. this rule about delivery addresses and card addresses has been in (accurate) A WHILE. although my last (checked) 26 orders totaling over £10k have been delivered here without so much as a question.


To conclude I've had to have the stuff delivered to my home address where NOBODY WILL BE. to be delivered. I'll then have to go to UPS to collect it myself when I get chance, from my home address that is a depot in ROTHERHAM if I remember right.

If I cannot have something delivered to an address of my choice using a card of my choice after this long (when I've been able to up until now) they are not worth the paper the catalogue is printed on.

Hi, Rob.

That's JUST the problem I had a few months back - got my order cancelled THREE times before we hit the problem on the head! The resolution was to get the lady from customer services to sort out the delivery criteria, which now apparently is sorted, as I've had a couple of deliveries since for the theatre (which is NOT normally staffed daytime) sent to me at home (where as a home-worker I AM usually at).


I understand that their policy wrt deliveries was changed last year and has caused problems ever since!! :)

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