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I'm just preparing a few contra reports for the venue - mostly for kit hired in. For you Venue-types out there, what do you normally quote people for hiring stuff on thier behalf?


I'm tempted to do List Price, rounded up very slightly (for the handling time).

Or should I just do straight list price (and let my discount pay for the handling.)

Or, do you just quote at exact cost, and "give" your time organising the hire for free.


What does everyone else do?

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I agree with Mac, and then everybody knows exactly what is due.

As a visiting company, I just want to know your price, to do my costings.

...Or, do you just quote at exact cost, and "give" your time organising the hire for free.

I would say only "give" your time for free if

a) there is a goodwill element for you, with both the visiting and the hire company and

b) the hire contract (and therefore the responsibility for timely payment) is with those two parties without you involved.


Your markup covers your risk too if your involved in the hiring.

(e.g. a company wouldn't pay for the hire of the bubble machine as they didn't use it, but we'd hired it in as requested.) The wee bit you make on markup helps mitigate the time your out of pocket as you don't want to screw a good relationship with the hire company over it. :mods:

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I feel that your discount from the rental company should be your profit, in this case to cover the time you have taken to organise the rentals for them.

Adding a fee over and can rub clients up the wrong way as they start to think they are being ripped off.

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Do you feel your 'handling' costs are fixed or variable depending on each hire?; if so a fixed or % handling cost would seem appropriate respectively. IMHO your personal discount/goodwill etc. with suppliers is your business; if the end-user wants to negotiate his own discounts beyond list price, then let them.
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  • 6 months later...

normally have a very good discount from stage electrics and then always charge the visiting company list price+VAT and 5% this then can be allocated to the lx dept or sound dept.


all the best

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I would have thought a fixed charge for hire arrangement was reasonable. After all, the visiting company is using your time to arrange their hire for it, so they should pay for your time, surely...


So that would be what you pay + your fee.

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