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Automatic Voting


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I am coordinating a medium sized AGM at university (perhaps about 400 people). The client wondered if there is a way of speeding up and increasing the accuracy of the voting. At the moment, people vote by raising their hand, and when it is not obvious a manual count takes place. This obviously takes quite a while.


Can anyone think of a better system? (given that there is not much money available for this). The current way may indeed be the best way of doing it, but I said that I would look into it.




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I doubt that you'll find anything more sophisticated on a minimal budget...


One thing we have used (I work in a University IT department) is a thing called "Personal Response System", or PRS. Each student is given a device which looks a bit like a remote control handset, and they use this to "feed back" to the lecturer, with results being displayed in real-time. It's a bit like the "ask the audience" thing on "Millionaire". We have used them in venues accomodating several hundred people.


I'm not suggesting that it would be cost-effective to buy one of these systems just for your application, but if you already had one within your institution, it may be possible to re-deploy it.....






Edit: or maybe some sort of "voting via SMS" system?

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Yes it sounds like that would be a bit out of the question in this instance, but would be an ideal solution.


I guess its counting hands then! Will just have to think of a way of doing that quicker and a bit more precisely.



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Not entirely seriously, how about a "clapometer", just like "Opportunity Knocks"? Or am I showing my age again?


On second thoughts, perhaps a "clapometer" with a student audience might have a completely different meaning..... :unsure:



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Having been chief teller a couple of times for this kind of meeting, I have also thought about ways to improve it on a small budget. I'm afraid you could be stuck with manual counting of hands. One way we speeded things up was to have a number of tellers each with their own specific area to count. They each report back to the chief teller with their count and a calculator gives the result quite quickly.

Sorry, but that's the best we came up with


Dave J

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Would SMS voting be viable? A GSM modem and a bit of programming know-how is all you need :mods:

A potential problem would be 'flooding' where there is a large amount of data coming in and the phone or software is unable to cope. What if a message got delayed for a few minutes during a crucial vote?


Just my £0.02


Dave J

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completely :mods:, but we've recently done the tech for a couple of student AGMs which were split across 2 sites, 5 miles apart, with a videoconf link between them....


Worked well - at least in the technical sense!



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I cannot rember what the system but I have seen a system in use where every member of the aduance has a paddle/flag one side green one side red, there is a cam somewhere nere the stage looking accross the whole aduance, this is connected to a pc and when asked the pc tells you the % of red/green



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this is connected to a pc and when asked the pc tells you the % of red/green

A bit like on ready steady cook then!


Anyhow, I believe the system of counting last year was as Dave says above, with lots of counters each with a specific area.


Whilst a solution, I think many (perhaps most) people would object to having to pay to cast a vote at an AGM.


Thanks for the ideas,


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You could use a combinaton of SMS voting and internet voting.


Those with laptops/pdas etc could bring them and log on to the local (wifi) intranet and vote that way. Being a university, it probably wouldn't be too hard to find a server and a wifi access point for the venue but it would depend how many laptops were available. All without laptops could text their votes.

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