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Tech Specs and riders


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I was leafing through a pile of Tech Spec in my Office yesterday, and got to thinking about just how outlandish some of the requests on them really were. So, I wondered, for all you venue-based people out there (or I guess we could swing it around for touring types):


What is the most bizarre/outlandish/unreasonable/insane requirement you've ever received on a Tech Spec or Rider?


I'm not talking about stuff the incoming company wanted to do themselves, but more the stuff they expected you to do or provide. Don't tell me who wanted it (it might be fun for us to guess!) - just what they wanted.



Bearing in mind for a moment that I do mostly International Contemporary Dance stuff, at this very minute, I have tech specs requiring me to provide:

  • Fixings into the wall, floor, and ceiling for approximately 500-600 bungee cords, to be stretched across the stage.
  • "A means to release 2000 gallons of water heated to 21deg Centigrade onto the stage floor."
  • A get-in crew of 19 people (in my 250-seat venue)
  • 20x 5k fresnels (again, in a 250-seater with no 5k dimmers)

I've also had a band send me a tech spec that required Mics that were discontinued in 1979.



So, any good ones?

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I had a funny one come in from a band we are supplying pa to for a tour.


Its mostly small theatres and hotel halls.


Hoever, they require 80kw foh d&b c4 system, and must have 12 way monitor mix only using martin f-15.


I think its a bit much (a bit tooooooooooo much in fact) but they assure me its minimal.


I remember on most touring shows taking two hk actor systems into theatres which did the job and that was only 5 kw.


Another one was when all technicians had to wear brown trousers and black shirts so the actors could tell the difference between the audiance?


I sear these people have a book running on these things.

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I work with a number of christian acts that are generaly happy to get anything as well as professional acts that have well written and useful riders.


The problems are the acts inbetween.


"What's that"

"Beta 57"

"Why is it there?"

"It was on your rider"

"Ooops. must have been a typo we wanted a Beta 87"

"OK, any specific reason? or would a substitute do"

"No that's what the man in the guitar shop said the professionals use"

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I've had a band who insisted they have powered speakers, they couldn't possibly have a cabinet and separate amp.

Their justification: They sound better


I could understand them wanting powered speakers if they were responsible for setting it up, but I was setting it all up!

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Most new bands ask for sm58, not because they've been out and tested verious mics with their voice and find this one sounds best but "because they all use em"


Personally I think the sennhieser range sound great with most singers (mind its what we stock the most of).



:unsure: This line of discussion is OFF TOPIC. If you want to discuss mics, do it in the Sound forum. This thread is about bizarre requests in tech riders, not the merits of one brand of mic against another. Any further off-topic posts will be deleted.

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Two splendid examples have their tech riders by my side:


The majority of the first piece is a fairly standard rider - except for the main item on stage


"... needs a flat space 15m by 12 m with a vertical clearance of 9m (still doable) to support a 4,000 gallon water tank ..." Ah, about that last item ... :huh:


And this second rider. I'll just take the highlights:


"... if the dressing room is located more than 15m from the stage, then just behind stage you will supply a chemical W.C."


" ...[a big long list of what MUST be in the green room each day including (and not limited to)] 10 cold beers, 12 cans of Coke, 6 cans of Diet Coke, 6 Cans of Sprite, 6 Cans of Orange, 3 Litres of 100% fruit juice (of only orange apple or peach flavours), expresso machine, coffee maker, cold meats for 14 people (ham, turkey, beef, pepperoni...), variety of cheese (cheddar, mozzarella, Guoda, Emmental ...), Bread (at least 3 varieties) with butter, cream cheese, mustard, mayo, ketchup, chocolate, cookies, variety of fresh fruits ... and so on until we finally get to the bottle of good Red wine and the bottle of Chivas Whiskey..."


This, by the way, DOESN'T include the 3 course dinner that the venue have to also supply in a buffet style, with the wonderful lines, and here I DO quote:


"The Artist will like to have dinner at the venue. The timing will be arranged ...in advance at his convenience. The Artists will eat all together in one room (not in the dressing rooms) ... accommodated for 14 people. This room ... will be exclusively for the use of the Artist. No one except the catering crew and the Promoter's representative will be allowed in that room during this time. Local crew will have other palce to eat, never with the Artist."


Oh yes, and the 50 seat air-conditioned bus to get the group to and from the airport to the 4-star (Michelin Guide) minimum hotel that the Promoter pays for, and the 15 seat bus to go from the hotel to the venue, and the cargo van to be available at their disposal ...


It goes on but you get the gist :mods:

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I get calls from a bunch of "rich" students who book bands into a tiny nightclub (no one else puts bands on in it) now this place has no stage, it is tiny 5m x 10m in the large room for band and crowd!


It is always fun to slim the tec spec starting with the words if you mix from FOH with an effects rack you will tak up 1/3 of the crowd space...


6 way monitor mix, drum fill, nice wide desk, follow spot at back .. ok we can do it but you will only fit 10 people in the room can we reconsider.

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The gallons of water mentioned earlier sounds like it's this years in craze for contemptry dance companies, Earth Fall were using gallons of the stuff on their show in the Autunm, the set ( a large V shallow pool) had to pumped out every night post show. Dancers eh, what ever one lot do they all copy, the other year it was tubes of fabric hung from the ceiling, next year it'll be tonnes of sand covering the floor ( I've seen that one already actully, the get out took ages).

I hate the tech specs that state a 2 day get in is required, when the venue management have booked a one night theatre show the day after a major standing gig and you KNOW the theatre peice will only sell about 60 tix, but you'll have to find two crews so it can be rigged overnight and then the access buggy will be a sod coz it really needs 12 hours to recharge.


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I do remember once putting two teenage female chinese contortionists on a rider...

I was on tour with a freakshow though... we would have put 'em on stage if we'd ever got 'em


I just wish that the people (and I use the term advisedly) that book gigs would realise that most tech specs and riders are wish lists and that there are many things on your average spec that can be 'negotiated' away

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[*]"A means to release 2000 gallons of water heated to 21deg Centigrade onto the stage floor."


I've had something very, very, similar...except during the get out the tank burst, causing thousands of gallons of water to flood all over a rather expensive floor...


Also worth a look see is the technical specs first time Fringe shows will give to their venues - "wishful thinking" doesn't come close to some of the things I've seen.

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I just wish that the people (and I use the term advisedly) that book gigs would realise that most tech specs and riders are wish lists and that there are many things on your average spec that can be 'negotiated' away


Sadly, in the Contemporary dance world, the riders come with stern warning that all items on the rider are utterly, absolutely and totally essential, and then make all sorts of noises about breach of contract if they don't get them. :angry:

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I just wish that the people (and I use the term advisedly) that book gigs would realise that most tech specs and riders are wish lists and that there are many things on your average spec that can be 'negotiated' away


And then there are tech specs that havecitems in there that are absolutely essential. IMO the rider has been corupted over time. They should describe the essentials, and then list any extras they wish done. There are some things in the rider which if they are not done to the letter make things unsafe, or for it to be impossible for the show to fit. The worst ones are stage dimensions where they think that those extra few cm do not matter, or that the surface will be fine.

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