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Anything Special

Rich newby

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Hi Guys


Sorry this is a really random question and im not hoping for anything great. Anyway, I am lighting and sounding this Christmas, well November 20Th :D . I want to do something special with a really boring panto, it is dick wittington. I fell that I have made such a huge leap this year in everything technical theatre, I have got my first large pa system as well. so I want to do something really special to celebrate. I probably could get pyros with the budget, and that's it.Profiles and Fresnel's all the way :band: just if you guy have any little flashes or anything that looks cool to really bring this play to life, the actors are really talented and fun with all the little kids in the audience, and I fell I am letting them down with a blank, bleak wash of glorious white. Sorry again about how vein this post is, but anything will do.





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Hi Rich,


I'm not sure what you're asking, but I'm not sure why you feel constrained to "a blank, bleak wash of glorious white". As I know you vaguely, I presume you're refering to the GTC panto at Gosforth Civic Hall. They have just about enough kit to add plenty of colour as required, and the GTC used to have a reasonable gel stock. At least a warm and cold wash from FoH with some saturate panto colours on stage (an amber and a blue, say).


Pyro was always a debatable issue there; as the safety issues were never really covered satisfactorily. My father was probably the last person there to competently and safely use pyro after the last show I did there, and now he's left as you know.


Why not drop me a PM or e-mail and tell me what you're planning and I'll try to give you some pointers?



(Apologies if this post is very specific; I did debate sending a PM but as Rich posted in the forum I decided to follow here).

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Yes they do still have a nice gel colection, alan the S/M operates the pyros now, he went a course I belive. I understand that the colour will be ok but its still a bit boaring, and thats the problem we could do some nice effects if we had movers or even scrollers, but we dont have the budget. So anything like flashes or the like that have worked well, flashes between colours ect. Obviously with movers you could do some pans around the audience, so somthing like this on or off stage to replace this or any other effects.


sorry again for the vaigness


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Hello Rich,


If I understand you correctly you're asking for people to lend you equipment for free? My top tip for blagging things is to try and offer prospective lenders a reason for lending you things. As far as I can tell, the only reason you want the stuff is because you quite fancy it! I may be wrong, but I can't see anyone going for that. On the other hand, if the show was for charity, or high profile enough that you can offer advertising space or something, you may get more luck. At the very least how about a few comps?


I've also noticed that people are far more generous to people who make the effort to use the spell check facility. You'll find it just underneath the box you type a post in, and it makes the request look a lot more professional. The same applies if you were to write to you local hire companies for assistance (which I suggest you try) - they'll be a lot more responsive to a friendly, professional letter or phone call.


Finally, and this is a totally personal preference, but I HATE productions that use movers and live colour changes just for the sake of it. After all, this is Dick Whittington, not a rave. I enjoy, and tend to remember, productions that use 'conventional' fixtures in an imaginative way. I'll enjoy a really clever multi-part fade or a dramatic backlight MUCH more than unnecessary gobos shooting across the stage. Bear in mind I'm not a lighting technician or designer, so I'm sure you'll be able to come up with something much more exciting than that!


Let me know how you get on, good luck!



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Although I agree with you point about spell checking and that there is no point using effects because you want to I don’t think the original poster was asking to borrow any ones equipment, well that wasn’t my take on it.


Just to back up the point about not using effects pointlessly it actually makes you look more immature if you do. I know, ok I am a few years older than you but when I was your age I would with my budget (for school shows) get as much fancy stuff as I could as I wanted to play with it and I though it made me look impressive. The reality of it however is that most of the time it didn’t look great as the basics weren’t right.


An effect (as has been said many times before along with movers are pointless unless needed) is only worth doing if the script\director calls for it, end of story. You will look more professional and good as a designer if you light dick wittington the best you possible can with the generics you have (colour washes, maybe the odd gobo if the design calls for it). I am curious where about in the script you were planning on using the pyro as I can’t really see any need for it?


Anyway I wish you all the best with the show,


Edit: Rich replied why I was in the course of writing the post :D…

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Thanks your getting the right idea. Phill your last parograph was exactly what I was asking by the way. I do understand that movers can make a mess of a play, it was a simple example. As scenemaster said I am only young and only using movers once I really would like to use them again, basicly to educate myself. The great thing about if I got movers for this play would be that I set up the rig on a sunday and it takes me to about 5 o'clock, by this time the other technicians have gone home, but I stay with 1 other lady who dosent have to much of a clue about lighting, but she always listens and is very helpful, especial when your up gantary and you need something changing on the desk. But anyway from 5 onwards I get to play with them for another 5 hours. But anyway there is no need for them in this play so I should just get back on topic. The play is actually re-written by one of our actors, so that is where the need for pyros is.

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As has already been mentioned; side and back light to add depth; gobos to add interest. Unfortunately, if I remember rightly, you won't have many (if any) stock gobos to choose from, but I'm sure you can persuade the director/chairman to buy a couple, and hire a couple of holders (DHA GH06's fit those nasty Furse profiles). Colour - use what you've got in stock, but go bolder than for a straight play, using the strongest colours in the back and side lights. If the hall is still as it was, you'll need to re-rig a lot of lanterns on stage, as they insist on keeping the over stage bars rigged with floods, and you'll be needing to move around the fresnels. If they've still got some pars, get them down and use them as side lights if there's the need. Finally, if it helps I can probably dig out the design I did for 'Sleeping Beauty' there about 2 years ago when I was between Uni and job.


You could also try something a bit different to fit the production. For example, for 'Sleeping Beauty' I persuaded the set designer to hang tree branches over the whole stage as part of the set, which were painted with UV paint. During the required scenes, on with a couple of UV tubes, and it changed the whole scene. What about festoon or even xmas-tree lights... without knowing the script I'll just have to leave your imagination to do the rest, but like the other replies here, avoid movers or scrollers!

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So basically what you want is to play with movers!!!! Don't we all!! Well as mentioned previously you need to get the basics right. All of the comments previously have had ideas that you can try. Back light, side light (try this at a variety of levels, like dance does) gobos can be quite startling if used right! Something as small as a Par16 can produce dramatic effects when use right! There are cheap disco units that can give you different effects, low/smoke machines.


I have used and do use Movers the last gig 1 or 2... but often it's the simple basic effects that work best.


If you want to play with movers often the best place to start is the local hire companies. Go and see them ask them for ideas for your show, see the kit they have, place a order and then ask can I pop in one Saturday when you can they are not busy and can someone show me how to use them or a different desk. Or call them and ask them is there any work available assuming that you are of employable age! And take it from there. Offer to go and work for free for the experience.


Local hire companies are often quieter during Feb and march. Oh with local companies don't take the Micky, they hate nothing more than someone coming in and asking for advice and then hiring the kit from else where! Remember all the staff started somewhere, most of them have heard all the daft questions. My favourite "Can I hire a microphone!" Most people just assume they need a mic and not the Pa that is required to go along with it!!!


And if you get really stuck find a contact at a local hire company, someone you know must be able to put you in touch!!!!


Failing that I work in a event/hire co local to you Pm me for details.

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