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Lighting Equus


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Hi everyone


In a few weeks' time one of the local amateur theatre groups I work with in the theatre I volunteer at are putting on 'Equus', and I was a bit stuck for lighting ideas (the director is one of these 'have a completely free reign, do what you want' sort of people)


The stage needs to be split up into two main areas, one left and the other right, with several other points such as benches placed around the stage.


I thought I could either do my usual straight forward sort of lighting...reposition a few lanterns on the default in-house rig and use straw and amber with other colours thrown in to change the mood...its a technique I've used for most every piece of straight theatre I've done in the theatre and its fine but boring. Since Equus is a very dark play, all set in the mind of one of the characters, I thought of going the other way...something like lots of standard household lightbulbs hanging down to illuminate the various stage areas, all in white, only actually using colour in the last scene, where the main character finally 'snaps'...


Anyway, any input or ideas would be great, especially if there's anyone who's done the play before! Im actually a sound monkey posing as a lampie, so dont have much imagination outside of sound!





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all set in the mind of one of the characters


Instantly, that says lots of dark. However I would suggest instead of under lighting, use blues (maybe L195 or something a shade or two darker) and maybe a dark red as well, mix to make moods. Beyond that, dont overdo the naked bulb. It is one of my most loved effects combined with smoke or haze. Try narrow angle pars (beam/ray lights) and light smoke/haze - or very low lying fog.

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backlighting seperate areas (eg a bench) with low front light from a birdie would look great on the actors body stature and facial features. Side lighting looks great if used well. You could go with the whole FOH usual rig but I think you should experiment with light coming from unusual angles and more specials rather than coverage. Blue across the face from one side looks great so does red from below an actor. The bulb idea sounds pretty cool - have them all at different lengths dotted around the set and make sure you get the clear looking ones: they look pleasing and you get a sharper light from them. Maybe break up gobos stretched at angles across the back of the set on the cyc may give you interesting surreal looks. And yeah smoke, smoke, smoke (or haze!).
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Equus is an excellent show - very challenging for the audience and it presents some interesting challenges for the LD too.


I like the suggestions above.


One thing which has not been mentioned is the nudity. Firstly find out if the company is actually going for the whole thing and then discuss with the director how (s)he wants it it be treated. Then once you've come up with the approach discuss it with the actor and actress. As this is Amdram they may well have more concerns and you need to be sensitive to their needs.

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One thing which has not been mentioned is the nudity. Firstly find out if the company is actually going for the whole thing and then discuss with the director how (s)he wants it it be treated. Then once you've come up with the approach discuss it with the actor and actress. As this is Amdram they may well have more concerns and you need to be sensitive to their needs.


If they are a bit iffy about nudity, I don't know the show, so I have no idea if it would work, but try using silhouets. Or dimly lit scrim. Or just shove them in body suits (flesh coloured) and dimly light them. Those options will usually keep the tallent happy - hell, half the time I think most actors would go on starkers if you asked (not advisable, OH&S, not to meantion the picketers, would have a field day).

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