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Hi guys


Right, I need to learn about macro's.


As far as I am aware, a macro will let you record something to it. Thats about as far as my knowledge goes.


Can someone please explain a macro, as the manual just confuses me, and tell me the uses of thme for conventional and moving lights?





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EDIT: I'm assuming you mean Strand logic....


Macros (note the lack of apostrophe) are recordings of sequences of button presses. They allow you to automate commonly-used tasks that usually require multiple button presses. For example, I have a Macro on my strand 300 that does this:

 1 thru 250 @ 0 clr

Which resets the output to a "nothing" state. Instead of pressing 8 buttons, I can just use one. It's as simple as that - but eventually you can make very complicated macros that do all sorts of useful things.


Thyme adds a piquant flavour to moving lights. To think people say that spelling doesn't matter... :angry:


Or did you mean time?


Or them?


I'm confused. *Points to signature.*

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EDIT: I'm assuming you mean Strand logic....


Macros (note the lack of apostrophe) are recordings of sequences of button presses. They allow you to automate commonly-used tasks that usually require multiple button presses. For example, I have a Macro on my strand 300 that does this:

 1 thru 250 @ 0 clr

Which resets the output to a "nothing" state. Instead of pressing 8 buttons, I can just use one. It's as simple as that - but eventually you can make very complicated macros that do all sorts of useful things.


Thyme adds a piquant flavour to moving lights. To think people say that spelling doesn't matter... :angry:


Or did you mean time?


Or them?


I'm confused. *Points to signature.*



Hi just press * @ 0 thats only 3 buttons

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Sorry me again. On about macros for the Strand 520, how do I them into flash buttons I know I can and tried to do it in the sub page I.e sub 1 mac to 100. But when I press flash it doesnt happen. Also you can hold shift and get page 2 on this any comments
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Sorry me again. On about macros for the Strand 520, how do I them into flash buttons I know I can and tried to do it in the sub page I.e sub 1 mac to 100. But when I press flash it doesnt happen. Also you can hold shift and get page 2 on this any comments

The macros under the submaster flashbuttons are macros 101 onwards. Record these macros as required, then set the flash function to macro and away you go. Shift+flash button gives macros 301 onwards.

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Hi just press * @ 0 thats only 3 buttons



Or *@*


Or * off. Thats 2. Which is still more than 1.


It was an example of how a macro works. I've never got round to re-recording it the newer way.


:angry: Two topics merged on very, very similar subjects. I've added some quotes to make it make sense.

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I meant 'them'. Wicked. say I wanted to set up a macro to reset all the movers to 'home' or something. How would I do this? Its a 520i by the way. Also how would I set up a macro to do 1 thru 99 @ 0?


Cheers Guys



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The macros under the submaster flashbuttons are macros 101 onwards. Record these macros as required, then set the flash function to macro and away you go. Shift+flash button gives macros 301 onwards.


Silly me thanks for that been trying to do it as 1 > 48 ** laughs out loud **




I meant 'them'. Wicked. say I wanted to set up a macro to reset all the movers to 'home' or something. How would I do this? Its a 520i by the way. Also how would I set up a macro to do 1 thru 99 @ 0?


Cheers Guys




You need to Prog a Group were all macs are 50 / 50 then put it into a macro (group ? into macro ?)

as of a all at 0 - press which macro button you want then type (1 thru 99 @ 0) then press macro button twice on the key pad this will safe it into that macro


Oh yeah you need to do all this on the macro Page

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http://www.strandlight.com/Manuals/Console%20Tips.pdf is a PDF written by Rob Halliday, who also posts here. It'll give you an overview of programming macros and how the Strand logic controls movers.


If you have Tracker software on the desk you should have that section of the manual which should take you throught everything.


Just as a quickie though, to set all pan & tilt values to 'Home' I use chan.3 THRU chan.4 @ 5


EDIT: Hmm.. pipped to it by cknapper. Must type faster :angry:

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