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flame effect


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hi there

I'm trying to get a realistic ish flame effect for the inside of a marquee. would like to use moving lights as need flexibility on positioning, except the back of stage wall. considered opti and strand but all looks a bit too cartoony. grateful for any ideas


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Not cheap, but Mac2000s come standard with a firey gobo.


Maybe you can get the gobo for something smaller if necessary??


Otherwise, if budget stretches, you could get an animation wheel for a Mac 550 or 700 (or 2000) in a firey effect and use that??


PS, saw the Mac2000 firey effect used in MGM (Shrek??) and it looked good.

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so, you can use an effects wheel on front of a wide-angled profile (or lots on narrow profiles) - basically a big wheel on the front of the spot, with a gobo in, well, the gobo slot.



would like to use moving lights as need flexibility on positioning, except the back of stage wall.


For reference, the 'wheels' you said about are called VSFX wheels or SLX call them SLXFX, manufactured by Whitelight, but a few other companies stock and make them; no doupt Stage Electrics make their own - poor old Whitelight, whats happened to patents these days?


Mind you, you can't really complain about the people who pay your wage :stagecrew:

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hi there

I'm trying to get a realistic ish flame effect for the inside of a marquee. thanks


Can you clarify 'flame effect'?

I'm assuming you mean flickering flame-like light on the ceiling/walls of the marquee?

If so, you can use an effects wheel on front of a wide-angled profile (or lots on narrow profiles) - basically a big wheel on the front of the spot, with a gobo in, well, the gobo slot. Stage LX do a hire package, but I'm sure others do as well.




Rising Flames:

Disc 11 in front with DHA Gobo 960 or 859 in the slot.

Blowing flames:

Disc 13 with gobo 176 or 175.

The way the front wheel is mounted is important, as well.

Looks like they're around £20 each for a disc & motor (fixed speed) and twixt £11 and £22 for up to a 4-way ctrllr. Add some cable and it's probably not a huge cost unless you want loads! (Lanterns not included!)




For reference, the 'wheels' you said about are called VSFX wheels or SLX call them SLXFX, manufactured by Whitelight, but a few other companies stock them.


My ham-fisted typing got ahead of me - my later post explained the system I described rather better, and yes, I referred to the front wheels AND gobo's in the slots working together.





:stagecrew: Moderation: accidental post removed and tidied up.

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so, you can use an effects wheel on front of a wide-angled profile (or lots on narrow profiles) - basically a big wheel on the front of the spot, with a gobo in, well, the gobo slot.



would like to use moving lights as need flexibility on positioning, except the back of stage wall.


For reference, the 'wheels' you said about are called VSFX wheels or SLX call them SLXFX, manufactured by Whitelight, but a few other companies stock and make them; no doupt Stage Electrics make their own - poor old Whitelight, whats happened to patents these days?


Mind you, you can't really complain about the people who pay your wage :stagecrew:


Not quite right, I'm afraid. what's described in the first quote are animation discs used in conjunction with gobos and profiles. See DHA website for information. (or maybe Rosco, as they are now one, I believe) The VSFX units in the second quote are large circular glass slides which rotate in a metal case used in conjunction with a projecter such as the old Strand Patt 252 projector and a suitable lens. these are more like animated slide projectors than theatre luminaires. Whitelight may manufacture them now, but they certainly didn't invent them. They will hire you the disc unit and the projector and lens, as will Stage Electrics with their version.


either system will give you a flame effect: the second probably needs more prep, as you need to use the appropriate lens to give required image size related to available throw distance, like any other projector, so some elementary maths is required.

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hi there I'm trying to get a realistic ish flame effect for the inside of a marquee. thanks

If you have a budget, In the past I have used 2x(or more) Strand quartet F's one with a red gel and one an orange gel + fire gobo- works fine If keep flashing them. It may sound rubbish but I thought this effect was good; if you have a lowish budget.



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Actually the effect was really good with the quartet Fresnels and the gobo it projected was fine onto the stage. We had one in each wing of the stage,and yes it was a Fresnel not a plano convex lens. We were going to use a flame effect but someone broke it :stagecrew:
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