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Source4 profiles & split gels

Tom Baldwin

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Could somebody please describe to me the effect of using split gels (with strongly contrasting colours) with Source4 26' profiles?

I've used this trick for other profiles, and the results have varied so much, that I couldn't begin to guess what a Source4 would do - and I don't have access to one to try it myself, unless I go and hire one.





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Due to the colour runner not being in the focal plain, there will not be a defined differential of colours when using split gel. The end result will be more like a graduation from one colour to the next. The differing results you have experienced will probably be to do with the varying focal lengths of the profiles you have used. i.e. The closer the colour to the focal plain the more definded the colours, and less of a gradient.


if you want a hard edge you will need either to use two profiles or a coloured slide mounted in the gate (the focal plain)


Hope this helps a little

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Thanks Paul,


I'm quite happy with a soft transition from one colour to another, but I do need some distinction between the colours. I've tried it before with a Minuette profile, and the net result was uniformly the average of the two colours, with no discernible gradient.





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I use this effect loads. normally on leaf gobos and 2 shades of green. if you use a zoom profile you generally get a pretty good effect if you mess with the focus. as a S4 26 is a fixed beam angle it doesn't work as well but it depends on your application. Do you want to split a open spot or colour a gobo? or is it just a tint ie clouds , sky?

I have used lots of strips of bright colours and a spangles gobo and it looked fantastic in a S4 50.

but as you said you need access to one to play with and try different things.

hope this helps

pete :stagecrew:

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