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Question about Seating


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In our theatre, there is are two seating areas. The balcony, is a studio theatre sloped style level with the row A, nearest to the stage, being actually on the stalls floor. (If you see what I mean)


The stalls seats are removable and the actual stalls floor is still the old flat dance floor that used to be used in some shows. The floor is not raked, so the sightlines in the stalls aren't as good as they should be. Does anyone know a company that makes seating rostrum with a slight rake that we could have in our stalls and if so, any examples of theatres with this such thing installed?

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if you still want the flexibility of having removable seats (which sounds like you have at the moment) and as you only want a small rake, have achat with companies like steeldeck and alistage. you may be able to put in differnet levels of flat decks or rake the decks slightly although you would need the manufasturers to structually assess raking the decks. if you are in a studio theatre I would have though that having the ability to move audience arrangements around etc would be an advantage. In addition, if you want a flat floor for a show, you have decks to use for other things! Also, suspect a bit small for complete seating systems. Also in my experience, seating sytems tend to have less seats in them than a stepped system with regular (interlocked obviously) chairs or benches etc.


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Or audiance systems- google them. Have seen them do seating instillations before and they seemed to be quick and efficient!




We've just had Audience Systems back to install the rest of our new seats (the first 7 rows went in 2 years ago) and we have been happy with the service thus far. The installers were punctual and quick at the job, and they will service (at a price) the seats each year, maintaining the warranty, I believe.


If you want a contact, PM me and I'll pass you my contact there.



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A couple of the venues I work at have folding rakes where the bottom row slides underneath the second row which then slides under the third row etc...

They would be ideal for a studio where you want tiered seating for some events but not others.


I don't know who makes them though.

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