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Advice, please?

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Go for the degree and put in the work to get a good grade, Keep the option to do a masters in that subject open. Get all the society, Amateur and pro stage experience you can, do some part time work for SEL in cambridge Work all the summer you can take from your studies in theatre/touring/concerts.


TWO really important items. Keep an address book, -- all your contacts -- course college, hall, Uni, society am-dram and emloyers. Keep a diary record all your course and extra curricular activities. That's your theatre CV ready for use.


If you have the theatre CV I doubt you will ever be asked for the course certificaste.


The Degree will open doors for you for YEARS maybe all the way to theatre manager or impressario or.....

... or you have 50+ years ahead to regret not doing it and getting no-where as a casual dsm/asm.


Take your risks before you have a Mortgage and while you can leave your posessions at your parent's house. Look out ways to earn money at good rates. You will need money and hours at minimum wage is a poor way of making profit.

Several friends on other fora mobile DJ up to three nights a week at £150 or so to fund life. One now has the dilemma of leaving Uni with his chosen degree AND a successful mobile disco agency.


Remember to plan for life BUT allow room for changes. "Job for Life" is well and truly OVER. Your career will have highs and lows and may very likely have a few changes of direction. Its a rare person now that can say "this is what I really want to do and it pays the mortgage" for long. (the employer that gave me a reference for my mortgage went bust three months later leaving me to find my first and subsequent payments out of nothing!

Spend 85% of your income save 5% long term 5% mid term and 5% short term.

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