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Scenery (no flying)


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I have seen them used them in the past to hold light signs and stuff like that.


Consider the weight of a large set of tabs, heavy, if the track can hold that then you can get away with some light scenery.


We used some rollers that had a large steel plate on the bottom instead of the two eyelets you would usually get. We then bolted the scenery onto the steel plate.


However I take no responsibility if you do this and it falls.

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You nor anyone else cant answer this without knowing the track and its SWL as rigged, its existing load, and the load applied by the intended scenery. The position of the scenery on the track matters too. A tab track used with tabs supports a distributed load or a load at the ends, it may NIT be rated to carry a point load in the centre.
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Does anyone know if tab tracks (or some sort) can hold light scenery



I have seen them used them in the past to hold light signs and stuff like that.


If I were you, barrfieldsboy, I'd ask a theatre or production company that already does this and ask them for the H & S rundown on things. Also possibly the legal front.

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You can buy (maybe hire, I'm not sure) scenic carriers for most tab tracks - which tend to be heavy duty master carriers.

Your best bet (as others have said) is to contact the manufacturers or suppliers of the track you are wanting to use and ask them.

You will also need to take into account the SWL of whatever the track is suspended from, but as you are only talking about light scenery then you should be able to make something work.

The other bit of advice I would say is, if you are hanging the scenery from drift lines from the carriers (rather than bolted directly onto the carriers) then attach a length of timber (1" x 1" will do) along the track between the 2 carriers - this will keep the carriers the same distance apart as you track the scenery on and off stage - otherwise you will get problems with the flat lifting or dropping on one end as the carrier moves vertically in relation to the flat hanging below.

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