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Is It Legal?


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I regularly walk in the town centre with my Leatherman and Maglight on as I'm not going to take them off while I'm at work just so I can go into town. However I would not have them with me if I went to a restaurant or pub or, heaven forbid, a football match simply because the tools have absolutley no use for a spectator and so the only reason to have it there is to use it as an offensive weapon.


I'll repost this link in case anyone missed it:


Safe use of Knives


So to answer your question. There should be no problem if your tool is in a tool box.



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That said, I once accidentally left a Stanley knife in my hand luggage, which was duly discovered by customs on the way out at Heathrow. I explained I was off on a show, what my job was, etc., they deemed it a tool of my trade and said I could take it on board.


Came across this on eurostar, travelling with tool bag, security made me remove the blade from my stanley - thery wern't bothered by th 14" screwdriver I did it with!


Also... touring with a very famous hairdresser, they confiscated is favorate pair of sissors at heathrow... oooops - yes he'd forgotten to put then into is baggage





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Surely one doesn't need to go to the pub with your knife on your belt. Never been one for having anything on my belt ( Especially a huge bunch of keys) :D If one does go out with an "offensive weapon" on your person and you get stopped. or someone whips it off your belt and uses it on you........ then you only have yourself to blame. Leave it in your tool box surely??????
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Guest lightnix
...someone whips it off your belt and uses it on you...
Good point, many stabbing victims have actually been stuck with their own knives, after having been disarmed by their opponents.


However, I still carry my Wave nearly everywhere with me, including down the pub. Not in case of trouble, but because it's so damn useful and I consider it to be primarily a multitool. I'm sure that as long as it stays firmly in it's pouch, no sensibly-minded copper would give me grief over it.


I would hardly regard a Wave (or indeed any Leatherman) as an ideal combat knife anyway. It's grip is far too slippery and the time it would take to find and open the "right" blade would give any assailant plenty of time to give me a good kicking. As far as I can see, the best application for it would be as a wrist weight, held firmly in a clenched fist and used to add weight and solidity to a punch, or for use as a sideways striking instument. You could probably use a Mini-Maglite in the same way.


But then again, I have always tried and (so far) succeeded in avoiding situations where this might become neccessary and that is the ultimate key to successful self-defence: stay out of trouble in the first place.


Never been one for having anything on my belt...
Wish I could say the same, but I've never been very good at travelling light and the "Bat Belt" has become an essential part of everyday life over the years. At it's most laden it has been known to carry a bum-bag, Leatherman, camera, Mini-Mag and mobile 'phone.
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have to say from the work and training I did for my security jobs one of the things that I was trained in was some basic weapons including knife, bat and the most effective of all a big heavy mag lite. all of these are things that one can use but I spent more time on how to use a belt a shirt if taken off and a chair and if used right they can do just as much damage as a knife.


did you know that you are now not able to carry the biggest maglites in the street as they have been designed in such a way to anable you to use them as a club without breaking the tourch, hence th egripbeing at the top so you can flick it over...


I take my wave everywhere with me and althought I am trained in how to use it as a weaopn it is fine as long as it stays in its pouch, if I take it out its fine unless it is in a situation where it could been seen as I am using it in a threatening way, this includes having it out but conceled.



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In Texan Drawl

Oh man I got to get me one of these, Yeehaw!


My mate the police officer had a useful accessory for his AA Maglight

it was two inches of solid brass that screwed on the end to give the owner a handy cosh for giving Johhny mugger a swift tap on the bonce should he request your bus fare home to feed his sanatogen habit.


No, he didn't take it on the street with him, his two foot expanding baton more than compensated :D

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No, he didn't take it on the street with him, his two foot expanding baton more than compensated  :D

Ooer Missus.

I'm sure it did.



Keep it clean - this discussion is about "weapons" - we better not ask about the size of his ...(timing)...feet.

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In Texan Drawl

Oh man I got to get me one of these, Yeehaw!


I can do impressions as well.... huuu humph.. might recognise this from a film.


In an Aussie type voice


You call that a knife. This is a knife!!!


A N Other


No that is a potato peeler...


In an Aussie type voice


Please let me try again.


You call that a knife. This is a knife!!!


A N Other


No that is a left-handed corkscrew....



In an Aussie type voice


How embarrassing. Can you help me please? What is this? And this?


A N Other


Prodder thing for sails.

Thing for getting stones out of horses’ hooves.


In an Aussie type voice

Ah never knew that. Hold on maybe I can use that. Work with me here please?


A N Other

Ok. Where do you want to go from? Your first knife line?


In an Aussie type voice

Yep that works for me. Thanks.



You call that a stone getter outer from horses hooves? HUH?

This is a stone getter outer from horses’ hooves.




From the DVD deleted scene Crocodile Dundee goes walkabout with a Swiss army knife.

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I have taken my Swisstool all over the world with me and up until the 12th september 2001 I took it onto planes circling the globe, just passed it through the x-ray along with keys and wallet.

the only time I had any problems was going into a nightclub in holland when the nice man asked me to leave it with him and he gave it back without me having to ask and again last week when the doorman in dublin was more concerned that my minimaglite looked too much like an extending baton, but showed no sign of interest in the swiss tool AND swiss army knife on the belt


moral of story - me and my swisstool, till death do us part



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Whilst working in a nightclub in Leicester Square, I popped out for a breath of fresh air. Whilst stood outside surrounded by the usual suspects and tourists in that area of town was approached by a couple of police. They where more concerned that my mag light could be a pepper spray than the Gerber I had next to it. After a brief explanation they left asking no questions about the Gerber even though I pointed out what it was. :** laughs out loud **:
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I just don't get it......I never take a maglite / multi tool with me when I go out.....many reasons - the main one being I can't see why I would need them on a night out having a few beers!!! Why don't you just leave them at home / work which is where they are intended to be used......sorry I know each to their own - but why put yourself in a position to be carrying something that could lead to your arrest if it was used in a way it was not intended.....??? Do we see capenters walking round with hammers / saws etc just in case they were handy on a friday night ...no! So why are technicians so different?? I just don't get it.....sorry ......I prepare to be slated by eveyone that feels it is necessary to carry them at all times!!! :** laughs out loud **:
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