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Control of “TheatreMix” via MSC from EOS


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Ok - I have read a fair bit of the documentation on the ETC website but I’m at a loss in some ways as I understand OSC sending commands, but this time I need to send MSC since OSC is already in use for another machine …


anyway I need the ETC ion Xe desk to fire the MSC command: “Control Change, Channel 1, Value 12” But only from certain Cues on the Ion

can anyone point me in the right direction on what I need to set up and how to code it…


I know OSC to trigger QLab but as said I have this in use and so need to use MSC to send to a different machine running the sound desk…

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Im not immediately familiar with EOS software and the specifics of how to do this, but can you create a macro that will send the appropriate midi control change data?  (The message you want to send seems like midi data and not not Midi Show Control data).

 You then link the trigger for the macro with whichever cues you want on the EOS.



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You might get better results asking on the ETC forums.

You'll also need to specify which Control you wish to Change the value of.

As @neilalexrose pointed out, Control Change messages are not MSC (MIDI Show Control), but a type of MIDI Voice Message. EOS permits sending these via what it calls "MIDI Raw Strings", either (as Neil suggested) as part of a Macro if the command to be sent is always the same, or as part of the Execute functionality on a cue if the command differs each time.

The appropriate part of the Manual [Tab 100] is the section "Show Control", subsection "MIDI Raw". For sending a specific message on a specific cue, see this page.

The page describing the macro method is, IMO, spectacularly unhelpful (could do with usage examples, along with descriptions of/comparisons between the "MIDI", "MIDI_Raw", "MIDI_String", and "Send_MIDI_Raw" commands), but as a guess (without an actual desk in front of me) the macro contents should be something like "Send_MIDI_Raw <your_message>" (e.g. I'd expect "Send_MIDI_Raw B0 01 0C" to set Control 2 on Channel 1 to a Value of 12).

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