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Headset mic hire


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Hi all! 

I have been asked to hire some headset mics (along the lines of the sennheiser stageline mics) to take abroad for a show. I've never had to hire mics for an overseas tour and am a bit worried about hiring the wrong spec. I know that the mics need to be discreet headset mics, it is a sennheiser receiver and packs, and the frequency at our venue abroad is between 540-640MHz. 

Any advice on what mics are appropriate? 

Thanks in advance!

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Welcome to BR. Are you talking about hiring complete kits (in which case check with your supplier about the frequency bands - Sennheiser kits should be fine), or just the headset mics themselves (in which case the frequency is irrelevant)?  Headset mics lead a rough life, so (unless you are a high-end show, demanding high-end kit) depending on the length of the run it may be cheaper to buy however many you need, plus a few spares. There are lots of generic headset mics around, from around £25 - £40. Try this thread.


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If the venue abroad has a local supplier consider using them. Not only will they be able to provide good support if there are problems but there will be no issues with carnets or import/export now that we are now not in the EU. Thay will also know the frequencies suitable for the venue.

The days when only the UK and USA had good quality suppliers are long gone and in most places there should be no problem finding a supplier.

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