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Avolites Pearl 2004 - 2008


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I have the Avolites Pearl desk updated to 2008. I have Mac Martin 2000 washes but unfortunately I am uncertain of the procedure to strike the lamps from the desk.

Can anyone walk me through the steps to lamp on and shutter please. Lamp on is 91 and shutter is 15 

Any help gratefully received. 

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The lamp on (and lamp off and reset) function in the Martin MAC 2000 Wash fixtures is in the shutter control (channel offset 1) where lamp on is 228-237 (90-93%).  According to the manual there is no specific sequence/timing etc. for lamp on so theoretically if you wheel shutter to that value it should strike the lamp but the usual way would be to use the fixture macros included in the personality.  You can find these by selecting the fixture(s) then pressing the ML Menu button then the [Macro] softkey (or something very similar - it's been a long time!) then select [Lamp On].  In this fixture this will currently set the shutter control to the lamp on range, CMY to full then wait a few seconds before returning shutter to the open range and CMY to 0.  The CMY and delay parts might not be necessary for lamp on but are a requirement for lamp off and reset (in addition to enabling the associated settings in the fixture menu).

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It's been a long time for me but:

1. Select the fixtures using the blue keys on the top 2 rows.

2. Press ML Menu - it's located at the bottom of the strip of white keys next to the LCD screen.

3. Press the white button which corresponds to "Macros" on the LCD screen.

4. Press Next/Previous (the bottom two white keys) until you see Lamp On, or Lamp Off (as desired)

5. Press the button.

As Nic said, it's part of the shutter attributes in the personality so if it's easier for you to find it (or for like, non-tech users in a church etc), you can also dial each one in manually with the encoder wheel and then save is as a shutter palette and shove it on one of your grey buttons somewhere in the top two rows... so you can always select those fixtures and press the appropriate palette key to strike them.

Finally, as much as it's brilliant to see such an old console still slaving away... I'd start putting coins in a piggy bank if I was you because IME it's living on borrowed time!!!

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