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COVID Secure Panto


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As well as working on live events and shows, I go to the theatre a lot as a paying customer. Last evening I went to my local theatre's panto replacement and I thought some people might be interested in my experience.


The obvious changes...

*) doors only opened 30 minutes before curtain up

*) possibility of having to queue outside so asked to dress appropriately

*) hands sanitised and temperature checked on entrance

*) no contact ticket inspection

*) no pit band, instead they were located off-stage

*) small cast of just 9 people

*) one 75 minute show with no interval

*) cloakrooms closed

*) everyone to wear a mask at all times


Did it feel slightly weird? Yes, but that soon disappeared.


Did I enjoy it? Oh yes. Having not been out socially since March 13th it came as a welcome 'reset' and reminded me of what a great thing live events are.


Would I go again with the same changes? Yes, absolutely.


Finally, a big THANKYOU to Cambridge Arts Theatre for taking a chance and putting this on.

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Dare I ask how did it go down with the younger generation?



The kids in the audience loved it. It had all the necessary ingredients for a panto: a fairy, a dame, a baddy, a 'sidekick' and a hero. Lot's to boo at and lots to cheer at.

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Back in October I went to Birmingham REP to watch Birmingham Royal Ballet (although with recent news, the phrase 'going to the rep' might now come to mean wear a suit and prepare a statement...) - and had a very similar experience. We had 5 min admission windows to the auditorium, asked not to arrive much in advance of those unless we had a table booked at the restaurant. Sanitise, T&T checkin, contact free ticket check and a rules briefing, then a bit of time for toilets etc. before our slot was called for admission into the auditorium, no cloakroom so don't bring big bags, coats could go on the empty seats if necessary. Spaced seating, masks on throughout, seated 5-10min intervals (3 act ballet). Reduced orchestra in the pit.


Overall, felt very safe, felt like it was under control, and the show was still wonderful. If we're ever allowed to open again it is a model that can at least see some shows happen!

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Everything closed here again now with a day's notice. Can't see any point in even trying to do this sort of thing when you can be almost certain it will be a waste of time. Back in April I considered that the trustees of the venue I helped out at should mothball and declare the staff redundant. GIven the panicky state of politicians from day one it was clear that this was going to be worse than they dared admit. A hard decision but better than the uneconomic fits and starts of opening they have managed in a 150 seat space that can only have a capacity of about 30 with restrictions. Edited by Junior8
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What was the audience size like, Brian?

Despite the statement that venues can have up to 50% capacity recently, few I guess could manage more than 30% if that, when using 1m plus mitigation (masks).

I know my place can't - we've tried it all ways but think 28% was about the best...

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Just back from the rock and roll panto at the New Wolsey in Ipswich. Very similarto Brian's experience. Smaller cast than usual. I guess about 20% capacity plus a paid for live stream. Somewhat different from the norm with filmed bits blended in, but it was great to be back in a theatre.


The rest of the small audience seemed very appreciative.


Well done to cast, tech, crew, admin, FOH etc for making it happen. Only a couple of minor tech hiccups, but hey, it's panto and it was live. ?

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