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File > Examples > 1.Basics > Blink.

Sorry but now I am completely lost.

I assume I need some program running to look at "File > Examples > 1.Basics > Blink" ?



Yes, the Arduino Integrated Development Environment or IDE. Download from Arduino.cc

The basic download contains lots of examples and if you add a library for a shield that typically contains more examples specific to that shield.


Edit to second Tom's comment above!

Edited by DrV
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To Gerry, I am not sure from the above posts if you actually have an arduino board or if you are just looking at the software. I would really recommend playing with the software with an Arduino Uno board plugged in, it is a lot more obvious what is going on when you have some actual hardware to look at, and you can make changes to the program and see the effects immediately.

I am not sure where you'd be best to get one from in Spain, in the UK suppliers like Hobbytronics and Pimoroni have good support if you get stuck.


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To Gerry, I am not sure from the above posts if you actually have an arduino board or if you are just looking at the software. I would really recommend playing with the software with an Arduino Uno board plugged in, it is a lot more obvious what is going on when you have some actual hardware to look at, and you can make changes to the program and see the effects immediately.

I am not sure where you'd be best to get one from in Spain, in the UK suppliers like Hobbytronics and Pimoroni have good support if you get stuck.

Second that. One of the nice things about the Arduino is that the only hardware you need to get started is a cheap board like a Uno and a USB cable. The board gets its power from the PC.

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I second Cedds suggestion. I used to tinker as to get started, before purchasing the hardware. For the very new user, there is also a block programming option to get you started, you can the. See the code after “blocking” it to see how it works and build upon it.
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