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Very Basic Console for LED and some Movers


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Hi All,


Not looking for a full rundown on all the different consoles out there.


I'm looking for a Zero88 Jester ML style console.


The faders are important hence the jester range. Very basic LED control from the ML side is perfect for the small group wanting to use it.


The budget is 500.


So my question is - Other than the Jester ML series is there anything else I should look at in that price range? Strand Series 200Plus maybe (I don\t know any users so maybe some thoughts on that from an actual user?)


Thoughts? Or even do you have an ML up for grabs?


Thanks all

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I really wouldn't recommend the Strand 200 plus - I've used one many times and it's never been a pleasant experience.


A budget of £500 is going to be a challenge. Is second hand an option?

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have you looked at the ETC coloursource range?



I did have a quick look. Bit too advanced for whats needed.


Colorsource are pretty awesome for fixed LED (PARS/Fresnell etc) but not great for movers. X/Y can be a challenge using your finger... ** laughs out loud **

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FLX I did look at but again budget and a bit advanced for the need.


To clarify, we'd be talking FLX S24 here not the "full" FLX. FLX S24 would seem a good match for the functionality you require. You can't go "that simple" if you want dimmers, LEDs and movers on a usable surface.


But it's true you would be in the £1k band for FLX S24.


Similar discussion on here a couple of weeks back: second-hand Fat Frog for the £300 mark on eBay? Possibly preferable to the Jester ML (which would be a hard find anyway second-hand I suspect)?




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