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Zero88 FLX /ArtNet....plz HELP


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Hello guys!!!Before I go crazy ,I want a little help! I have a Zero88FLX and a Eurolite ArtNet-DMX NODE8 MKII.I want to take the ethernet out from zero88 and go to NODE8 and then having the DMX out from the NODE8 to my fixtures...The best I got is connect them on my home LAN and have lagg-ish movement.

Then I read that with a crossover ethernet cable I can connect them directly...so I did!!!After connect them with the crossover cable and setting up the IP I have perfect communication only on some PARS....my moving heads are dead....

Any help would be appreciated.


Thanx George.

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Hi George, which universes are the fixtures patched on? Which physical outputs of the Art-Net gateway are you using?



Hi Jonhole and thanks for the reply.Everything is ok now!!!On the Eurolite Node8 there is a DMX Hold in the setup menu when it is ON everything goes crazy and Laggy... when I put it OFF everything is ok.Assumed that I have it with one crossover cat5 from the console to the ArtNet IN on the Node8 and I take the DMX Out 1 from the Node8 to my fixtures.

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