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Wireless headset microphone with adjustable gain/ level


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Hi everyone,


I am looking for wireless headset microphone where gain/ level can be adjusted from transmitter, not audio mixer. The idea is the host to be able to control the microphone.

I need unit something like this, but to be wireless: https://www.thomann.ae/shure_x2u.htm?glp=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMImITVuIuQ3wIVSrTtCh3vKAI9EAYYAiABEgJcHfD_BwE

I am not sure is this exists on the market, any suggestions will be useful.


Thanks and regards,


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I suspect what you are after doesn't exist, though there are various ways of remotely controlling the audio level at the mixer end. Alternatively is it possible for the receiver to be within the host's reach?


If you are into DIY it should be possible to insert an in-line attenuator into the mic lead (I say "should" because if the cable is single core + screen the core carries polarising volts as well as audio, so some experimentation would be needed). Alternatively it might be possible to wire an external pot in parallel with the audio-level pot in the belt-pack.


Perhaps the easy answer might be to teach the host to move the gooseneck nearer to, or further from, his/her mouth ?

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A church I consulted with a little while ago had a lapel pack with a rotary control on it; perfect for them as it was a small church with no techs or operator... the minister took care of it. Sadly it was operating in the now illegal RF band taken over for digital TV so they had to get rid of it. It may have been an AKG pack from memory? So they definitely are or were out there. The issue with a pot to control audio level is that you still need to pass bias voltage to the capsule and depending on the capsule and pack if you’re working with a 2 pole TS jack for the mic you can’t split the bias voltage out.




A google search turned this up as an option...?

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Are you looking to control the volume to purposely give volume control for one presenter, or to balance out different presenters? If it's the latter the Sennheiser speechline range has automatic adjustment for different presenters and (apparently) different profiles for male or female speakers. Would that work for you?
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