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Zero 88 flx cross fade


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Hi I am using a zero 88 flx 48 for the first time this week, I have been creating a cue stack with generics and led par cans with no problem but when I run the cues the generics cross fade and then the colours change rather than all happening at once, I am assuming I am missing something simple but have been through the manual and watched the videos to no avail thanks in advance


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Colour should simply fade automatically. To adjust the fade time of the colour just tap in the “colour fade” column next to the cue you wish to change. How are you changing the colours? If using a “macro” / “colour” parameter rather than the “red”/“green”/“blue”/etc wheels, the fixture will only allow you to snap between these rather than fade. If you’re still not sure, save the showfile to USB and email it to me and I’ll review it.
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Thanks for that, as I suspected it was something simple, every cue I programmed had a 3 second delay on the colour fade. Not being used to the desk I didn’t see it.All sorted well and programmed ready for tomorrow night. http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.gif
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