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Strand 520 without network


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Hello, I have a Strand 520 console, unfortunately the network does not work. The COM board is ok, the battery has not leaked. The network jack is also ok. The software 2.8.6 is installed and the networker too. It shines on the network jack only the "T" Led.
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2.8.6 has a vital network file missing (cannot remember which one) and needs to be installed "AFTER" a previous version of software is installed which does include the file.


You can do an A/B comparison if you really want to know.


Suggest you install 2.8.5 and see if that works. I stopped upgrading at 2.8.5 as I could not see any benefits in going to 2.8.6.



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  • 2 weeks later...
What have you got the other end of the network cable pluged in to. Did you try a different cable just to make sure the cable is not faulty. I have seen cables cause problems before and I also had one myself 2 weeks ago with my own lighting desk (MQ60) which caught me out
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