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Public Liabilty insurance


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looking for recommendation on companies to obtain PLI as a sole trader - sound tech/equipment hirer.

have been covered by MIB for while , premiums gone up about a 1/3 this year for no reason so looking to make a saving.


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I found that for self-employed people, the ones arranged via large organisations, unions and societies tends to be the best deals. I used to get mine through BECTU, but I fell lout when they insisted that my turnover was my income for fees setting, I lost it. I got a better deal when another organisation I belong to started theirs up.
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I used to get mine through BECTU, but I fell lout when they insisted that my turnover was my income for fees setting,

I used to have a similar problem, but eventually managed to convince them that a £100k install going through the books didn't mean an extra £100k on my SE earnings. They now (possibly reluctantly) accept the "taxable income" figure from my tax return.

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I never convinced them, and I offered my tax return and they said that was unacceptable as evidence, nor a letter from my accountant. They simply wouldn't budge and even sent me a copy of their rules.



Thanks for the data.


It doesn’t take us any further forward because, as you point out, it’s compiled for tax purposes. Trade union subscriptions however are not dictated by tax. Trade unions are independent membership organisations and so long as they act within the law they can decide for themselves how subscriptions should be calculated and levied.


In BECTU’s case, our members have decided that subs should be based on “personal pay” defined as “overall gross earnings” - in case you want to check, it’s Rule 9 and you can find it athttps://www.bectu.org.uk/about/rules#Subscriptions . As I think I said in a previous email, “personal pay” refers to your earnings from the work you personally perform for employers/clients.


The snag being for me that the figures for income include two other people, who invoice me, plus equipment hire - all built into invoices, so my invoice totals were my gross earnings according to rule 9. I'm not a member anymore, and they simply acknowledged receipt of my resignation and that was that!

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