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Composite video to VGA convertor


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Hi All,


I'm on the look out for a simple and sub £20.00 composite to VGA convertor in order to use a standard PC monitor as a video monitor. Latency is not an issue.


I can find VGA to Composite but not the other way round.


I'm finding products on eBay which are named composite to VGA, but when you drill down a bit it is not the case..


Many thanks in anticipation.



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Whereas I would always recommend a brand like Kramer over cheaper offerings, I've used one of these to display CCTV on a VGA monitor and it's worked ok.


I've also used one of those or similar looking thing for cctv except mine came from Amazon. It's kinda fuzzy, worse than just looking at the composite on a normal monitor, depends how good a picture you need.

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I know it's not sub-£20, but in your situation I'd be tempted to pick up something like this. It'll do the composite to VGA conversion, but a lot more besides. There's also more control over the output resolution, scan rate, colour balance etc. which could be useful.
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Keep an eye on extron and kramer on ebay. With VGA now coming out of a lot of big installs there’s a lot of good quality vga gear going rather cheap.

A quick browse found a few extron units around £25 that will do what you need.

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