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which course

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I am wanting to ge in to the backstage part of musical theatre hopfully with the sound department.


What course would be best to do:


A sound engineering course or A technical theatre course?


Also has anyone done the PACE tech course at goldsmiths Uni?

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It might help if you tell us a little of what qualifications you have to date (or are studying for) and what level of course you see yourself going for.


There are many courses which give you skills to a specific end (effectively vocational training). There are many which teach more of the theory and provide an education, as opposed to training (the two can be very different).


It's worth considering what sort of study you'd be comfortable with and what you'd like to do long term.


FWIW, the PACE courses are effectively foundation or return to study type courses, which can then lead to higher education qualifications.



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There are many, many other topics in the Training & Qualifications courses which go some way to answering your question - your best bet would be to search through the archives (don't forget to alter the drop-down box at the bottom right of the forum index so that it takes you back further than just 30 days) and read through some of the more relevant topics. Then, post back if you have any further questions. There's also a useful search function, up at the top-right of every Blue Room page - you could also give that a go.
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thanks I've had a look and I see that City of Westminster College does 'sound engineering' and I'm thinking of doing the courses there, but I'm still not sure if I should be a 'technical theatre' course as I'm thinking of doing a postgrad course later on.
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The sound engineering course you quoted is City & Guilds. It is not a degree course, and would not qualify you for post graduate study, unless the institution could verify substantial 'on job' experience from a mature applicant.


Simon Lewis

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