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Hog 4 and tracking..


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Hi guys, have viewed the forum a few times and thought it was about time I joined!


I am off to do some work at a venue soon which has a Hog 3 desk, I have never used one of these as I am a Chamsys and Avo guy http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif

From what I can see the Hog is a tracking desk? And I think I have finally got my head around what this means when programming… http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/huh.gif


What my questions is I guess is will I need to change the way I programme or have to consider any other factors when programming than I would normally when I build a scene, hit record and select a playback?

I have tried to avoid tracking desks as I have never really understood them but I guess we all have to learn at some point!?!





Sorry Hog 3, not 4 as the title suggests

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If you work with a Chamsys, you'll feel at home on the Hog. They are very similar in the way they programme and I think I would class Chamsys as a tracking desk too.


Simply build your look, hit record and then hit choose above the playback and away you go. It's when you add a second cue to that playback that you use tracking. Which in a nutshell only records any changed values in the next cue, as opposed to all information.


This should only trip you up if you copy lots of cues between lists etc but I think you'll find you get used to it very quickly. Worst case scenario, you can turn tracking off on individual playbacks.


I find Hog one of the most intuitive desks out there and it has a very quick and smooth work flow.


If you get chance to play with a 4, it's a great desk.

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There's a very useful book written by Brad Schiller- The Automated Lighting Programmer's Handbook.


I would highly recommend you have a read, it covers most things you'd need to know about console programming and has a great way of explaining things.


It's about 22 quid on Amazon at the moment.

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The default setting in Normal mode for Cham Sys is tracking OFF. Therefore, I wouldn't describe it as a tracking desk for the majority of users.


Using a default Normal mode Cham Sys and a tracking desk are gonna be fundamentally different as soon as any cue stack has a second cue. If not, you won't notice a difference.


Tracking is a simple concept that seems to confuse people more than it should. It's brilliant for theatre cue stacking but does take some thought when using cue stacks for busking.


Schiller and Schoenfeld are decent resource on this, being a Hog programmers and a users of tracking concepts in a variety of playback situations.


It's just a different behaviour that takes some adjustment depending on how you personally build a show for playback.

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