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Allen and Heath GL4

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im thinking bout buying an allen & heath GL4. bit old but at a bargin price, wondering if any one had any thoughts about the desk, whether they have used them in the past, faults etc.?




Old but good and probably good value. I used to have a 40 (hmm may have been 48!) channel one.


What you looking at paying?

PM me if you prefer.





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my sound companies only use allen and heath desks, they are fantastic, if buying second hand though make shure all is well as simple things like damaged pots and switches cost the earth to get sorted.


the gl4's are great, only problem ive had with ours is that the mono out faders always go really quickly.

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The GL4's are nice, I have used them and GL3's a fair bit (heck, we still have an ancient GL3 kicking around somewhere!). More to the point tho, the a&h desks are almost invincible and so last a lifetime if cared for.
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One of my mates has one and I got a play... good EQs as already mentioned, think you could manage prefectly well without the meterbridge.

He has some recurring fault with it somewhere, that every now and again it outputs something close to white noise, and the only solution is to mute everything and power the beast down. A+H have been for a look but no-one seems to be able to solve it.

However, when it works it is my favourite toy in the whole world ;-)

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I have a GL4000 with meterbridge, I paid £2500 (40Ch) Had damaged panels, few crackly pots I spent £180 on it, it looks as new, ive even been offered £3,400 for it, wouldnt part with it tho!.

These are pretty indestructable unless like all kit u cover it in bear and drop 40 fags in it!

They have just bought out a newer version although there isnt a great changemainly cosmetics, dual power switcher on board and VCAs/ better pre amps.

As for spares you can buy these direct from Allen and heath, they are by far one of the most helpful English Desk makers out there, and they're spares arnt that expensive (£28.00 for a full channel strip ex pot covers, switch covers).

There easy to service (if your technically minded) and they will blow the pants of anything you can buy from the far east!



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just a note: allen&heath have 2 new successors to the GLx series. in the case of the gl4 these are the ML4000/5000 and the GL4000. the GL4000 is slightly smaller footprint wise but essentially has all the same features, no VCAs. the ML series are a&h's live VCA desks and they have some extra bells and whistles as well as having VCAs and full midi control of mutes and VCAs etc..
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