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Possession/Tools/Laptop Insurance


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Does anyone have any recommendations for brokers who deal with tools & equipment policies for people working in the entertainment business?


My current policy is with Aon (as recommended by BECTU), but the premium this year for even a small amount of cover (£1500-worth of cover for a laptop and toolkit) is about £180. Also, they annoyed me intensely by automatically adding another £27.50 for an 'optional extra' service to my renewal notice without any consultation with me, and then giving me the opportunity to cancel it if I didn't want it - what a con!


So, before I send them my cheque for this year, are there any good alternatives out there? Who do you use? And if it's not too much to ask, what sort of premiums do you pay, and for how much cover?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Whilst I know insurance has been discussed here to quite some depth, it seems that possession insurance hasn't really been mentioned much!


I have my PLI sorted but I would like to get some other insurance to also cover possessions such as laptop, tools, camera, etc. Whilst they aren't great value compared to some of the kit I use, it would be an inconvenience should they go missing or get stolen. Not to mention the time taken to get each item replaced.


Is there anyone out there that can suggest any companies that will provide possession insurance, which is reasonable (doesn't have a stupid excess, etc)?

I've tried a couple of commercial companies (endsleigh being one), but they want to insure the possessions in my house for use outside the house.


Any help is greatly appreciated :angry:



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There's an article in MacUser this month about these people. Not sure about price and whether they understand our particular business, but they seem to specialise in the freelancers market, and not only insure you for the value of the kit, but also the costs incurred while waiting for your new one.


I'll let you know about price when they send me my quote.

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Just FYI .... in the end, I managed to make a couple of small extensions/alterations to my household insurance so that it covered what I needed to get cover for. I don't know whether all household policies have the facility to extend the cover to IT equipment, etc. for business use, but it could be worth asking your insurer.
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I know here in Oz, I have got most of my tools, phones, cameras etc covered under the household policy, for when I am out and about. Even have accidental damage insurance in case I drop something and need to replace it. :)
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