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Chroma-Q Color Blocks


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I haven't used in Rock 'n' Roll Situation, but have used them in a installation type jobbie a couple of weeks ago... very very nice pieces of kit... can create some stunning effects and chases with them. Due to use them in rock 'n' roll circumstances towards end of June.


From what I gather they 'overclock' the blue LED's to give a brighter , stronger output... I think there's something like two fans per block to keep 'em cool. Its hard to describe brightness because I used them in a different scenario to what your after but if you look at some of the fame academy stuff I believe they were used on there


Hope this helps,



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Mountviews 1st year have just used the colour blocks on a Musical Theatre showcase. They placed them under the steeldeck on stage, with the direction of light, behind the performer and over the audience! The problem was, the height of the stage, is the same height as the first three rows of seating, so it gave a blinding effect for the those row!!!!where as the other rows of Audience, had the best views of the lighting!


Very impressive, unbelievable versatile pieces of usefulness!


Have a look at the ALD website www.ald.org.uk , news headline from Brixton Academy when they used them for a recent show!

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I'm merely a sound engineer [:-)] but I can say that when the chroma blocks are pointed at you, they're bright! However, it's not 8 cell molefay bright, but you're not expecting that?!


The main issue is that they are so versatile - we've used them as blinders, but also for colour, chase effects etc., etc.


We're particulary happy with the versatile mounting options, but could do with buying some more...



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From what I gather they 'overclock' the blue LED's to give a brighter , stronger output... I think there's something like two fans per block to keep 'em cool.  Its hard to describe brightness because I used them in a different scenario to what your after but if you look at some of the fame academy stuff I believe they were used on there




There is only one small fan in each block, this draws air across the heatsink in the unit. Its small and barely audible. And yes there were used on Fame academy at the back of the 'circle of fear' and dotted around the sides all pointed into camera.



If any one has any questions or wants a demo then please feel free to contact myself any one here at AC Ligthing and we will be pleased to help.




Lee House

AC Lighting Ltd


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Thanks for that link robert, does anyone have the URL of Siyan or an email address for them, can't find anything through google.


Many Thanks,





Further to Lee's post if you contact either myself or Lee offline, we will happily give you a list of users who currently use and have bought the product.




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